Page Two

Collection of articles on various topics.

In response to Rolf Furuli Ph.D

Someone sent me a PDF of your new book the other day— My Beloved Religion and the Governing Body. I am taking this opportunity to respond to one portion of it regarding the appointed times of the nations. Since you are basically expanding upon the Watchtower’s long-held explanation of the so-called Gentile times it is also a response to the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses in general. [...]

2023-11-13T17:06:12-05:00May 31st, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

He learned obedience from the things he suffered

God can be anything or anyone he chooses. Although, apparently, Almighty God has a few limitations. Foremost, it is impossible for God to lie. Think of that. God cannot act unjustly. He simply cannot be untrue or hypocritical. By nature, God is loving and kind. So are people, for the most part. At least we are inclined that way. That is because in the beginning God [...]

2021-12-20T09:55:28-05:00April 20th, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

Is the United Nations an 8th King?

All of Jehovah’s Witnesses hope for the Kingdom to come knowing that it will bring peace, health, happiness and prosperity, not to mention everlasting life. Those who long for the promises of God are eager to see Satan’s wicked world swept away— even though its passing will mean great hardships and a staggering loss of life. Since its very beginning, the Watchtower has proclaimed that we [...]

2023-07-29T06:31:16-04:00April 8th, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

It is all about genocide

I have received a few inquires from readers who are wondering if this is the end of the worldwide preaching work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The answer is no. There are places that are untouched by the infection. Besides, the pandemic will die out— probably sooner rather than later. They always do. That is how nature works. That is not to say the virus may not return. [...]

2020-03-31T15:28:03-04:00March 31st, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

The Scene of this World Is Changing

The words of the wise apostle have suddenly become more relevant than ever. The “time left is reduced” and “the scene of this world is changing.” Indeed, it is changing quickly. (1 Corinthians 7:29-32) Jehovah’s Witnesses could not imagine the worldwide preaching work suddenly coming to a halt— but for the most part, it has, at least for now. The other pillar of the organization— meeting [...]

2020-03-25T07:58:45-04:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

2020 – The year ahead

It is a bit redundant seeing that e-watchman is all about looking ahead into the future regardless of the calendar, but in keeping with the world’s year-end tradition, here is my 2020 look ahead. Most people assume that the world is going to continue as it has for all these many thousands of years. It is sort of builtin to everyone’s thinking. Even the doomsayers, [...]

2020-01-08T07:12:08-05:00January 1st, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

An artfully contrived false story

From the very beginning, the tiny Bible study group that formed around C.T. Russell believed that Jesus had already returned. When they were sorting out the elementary biblical doctrines from all the rubbish taught by the churches, they were also captivated by the notion of an invisible parousia, which was an idea promoted by George Storrs who was many years Russell’s senior. Russell realized that the [...]

2020-12-16T16:26:41-05:00August 12th, 2019|Categories: Page Two|

What about the rapture?

The rapture is a so-called eschatological concept peculiar to American evangelicalism consisting of an end-times event when all believers in Christ, both the dead and the living, will be bodily resurrected. (Wikipedia) The notion of the rapture has been around since the Bible was made available to the English. In the 1800’s, though, it was promoted by one of the forerunners of modern evangelicalism, the [...]

2019-09-19T13:41:24-04:00July 12th, 2019|Categories: Page Two|

Blessed is he who comes in Jehovah’s name

Quite a bit is made of the fact that the Greek Scriptures, the so-called New Testament, does not  use God’s personal name, such as it appears in the Hebrew Scriptures thousands of times, most commonly translated as Jehovah. However, even the most ancient Greek texts are copies, perhaps even copies of copies. The oldest fragments date from the early second century and most are much more [...]

2020-09-19T19:27:00-04:00April 1st, 2018|Categories: Page Two|

The Flying Scroll of Zechariah

Lea este artículo en español The book of Zechariah might be called the Revelation of the Hebrew Scriptures. There are many similarities between the two prophetic books. For one, both were written after Jerusalem was destroyed; yet, they point forward to God renewing "Jerusalem" and to another judgment of God’s house concurrent with the coming of Christ. In the second chapter Zechariah sees a man [...]

2019-09-19T15:50:25-04:00December 21st, 2017|Categories: Page Two|
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