Page Two

Collection of articles on various topics.

The things that must shortly take place

This post is in keeping with the long-standing year’s end tradition of looking ahead to the coming year.  "A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place...Happy is the one who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy and who observe the things written in it, for the appointed time [...]

2022-12-18T13:20:50-05:00December 18th, 2022|Categories: Page Two|

The blasphemous beast and the name of Jehovah

It has been a long time in planning, but Satan is now in the final stages of taking the world hostage. It is clear now that the pandemic was a ruse to create panic and deceive the world into taking injections. It appears that the injections are intended not so much as a biological weapon, but as a self-assembling microcomputing system capable of communicating via [...]

2021-10-04T10:59:37-04:00October 4th, 2021|Categories: Page Two|

If the evil slave starts to beat his fellow slaves

“Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so!” — Matthew 24:45-46 The Watchtower Bible Society has accomplished a great work, producing Bibles in over 100 languages and Bible-based literature in over 1,000 languages. Not only that, but [...]

2022-10-14T05:17:07-04:00September 30th, 2021|Categories: Page Two|

And it stood still on the sand of the sea

The book of Revelation is like a portal. Not only is it an account of things to come, but it is a window into the invisible dimension. The 12th chapter presents a great sign in heaven: “A woman was arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of 12 stars, and she was pregnant. And [...]

2021-09-23T13:14:02-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: Page Two|

Response to Governing Body Update #7 (part two)

Vaccination is a very controversial issue. Obviously, no one wants to fall ill to Covid. However, there are numerous reasons why people may be hesitant to take the vaccines. For one thing, usually, new drugs and vaccines are tested over a long period to ensure their safety and efficacy, but because of the pandemic all of the typical safeguards were set aside. Another worrisome factor [...]

2021-09-04T17:42:05-04:00September 4th, 2021|Categories: Page Two, Videos|

The Second Holocaust Has Begun

It is becoming more and more apparent that a second holocaust has begun. The first Holocaust, which preceded the start of the Second World War by about a year, is said to have begun in 1938 when the Nazis instigated a public uprising against the Jews. Eventually, over six million Jews were exterminated.  Back then a lot was involved. Masses of people had to be [...]

2021-12-31T06:22:24-05:00August 31st, 2021|Categories: Page Two, Videos|

You do not know on what day your Lord is coming

There is a little snippet on JW dot org posing the question When Will the World End? The Watchtower goes on to explain that while some translations use the expression “end of the world” it can also be translated as “conclusion of the system.” ("End of the age” is probably more appropriate.) The publishers go on to quote Jesus: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, [...]

2022-02-19T18:14:20-05:00July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Page Two|

Richard Dawkins’ God Delusion

In my recent Internet meanderings, I came upon a summary of a book called the God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins. Having no inclination to read the book I do, however, wish to respond to a few summary points that are the premise of the atheists’ point of view.  Argument #1: Who Created the Creator? For creationists, an intelligent God is the ultimate and simple explanation [...]

2021-04-26T18:02:00-04:00April 25th, 2021|Categories: Page Two|

The Great Reset

Nearly a quarter of a century has passed since I first delved into the books of the prophets and discerned that the overthrow of Tyre and Egypt foreshadows the sudden downfall of the present Anglo-American dyad. This is what is also portrayed in the 13th chapter of Revelation as the mortal wound upon one of the heads of the beast. Basically, I know the end [...]

2022-09-20T05:08:26-04:00December 17th, 2020|Categories: Page Two|

Why the reelection of Trump will destroy America

America has fought numerous wars against the British Empire, including the original Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War —the Confederacy being backed by the British. The republic has also been victimized by numerous British plots and assassinations. The First World War was largely orchestrated by King Edward VII and was intended to prevent Germany from adopting the American model of economy. Although the [...]

2020-11-01T10:11:45-05:00November 1st, 2020|Categories: Page Two|
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