
About Robert King

For the past 20 years, I have staked out a place on the Internet in order to draw attention to Bible prophecy as it relates to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the falsehood of the Watchtower's 1914 doctrine.

The sons of the desolate one

I know you have discussed this topic in videos and written articles, and for me, the Biblical evidence seems pretty obvious that Christ's bride is a limited and balanced number of 144,000 co-rulers. But, some try to overturn this simple truth with various types of reasoning. One such reasoning is this: If the 144,000 is a literal/finite number, then how is it possible that the children [...]

2025-02-06T10:11:24-05:00February 6th, 2025|Categories: Mailbag|

The Watchtower will become mere heaps of ruin

A consideration of the third chapter of Micah When I published the first edition of Jehovah Himself Has Become King 20 years ago, it was not entirely clear to me how certain aspects of the prophecy of Micah applied to the Watchtower. For that matter, neither was it clear in the final edition (2016). Now, though, 2025—it is. Since the pandemic and the Governing Body’s advocacy [...]

2025-01-28T10:59:25-05:00January 28th, 2025|Categories: Micah|

Psalms #33 – It is fitting to praise Him

AI-generated featured image, narration, and rendition of the 33rd Psalm There is only one reason why we exist. In the beginning, God created us. And the reason God created us is so that we might worship Him. Some people might find that off-putting—offensive. I have heard people accuse God of being egotistical for wanting to be worshipped. And just to be clear, Jesus [...]

2025-01-22T11:03:02-05:00January 22nd, 2025|Categories: Psalms|

Peace and security and the future presence of Christ

Audio produced by AI-generated voice clone Over the years, I have posted numerous articles and a few videos on the topic of “peace and security.” That expression is related to a verse in the Bible —a prophecy found at 1 Thessalonians 5:3. For the unfamiliar, the verse states: “Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be [...]

2025-01-20T11:36:30-05:00January 20th, 2025|Categories: Page Two|

The Rise and Fall of Satan the Devil

Who is Satan the Devil? Is he a work of fiction, a myth? Is he really a reddish-colored, horned creature with a tail and pitchfork? Perhaps devils and demons are just relics of the superstitious Dark Ages? Seriously, who could believe that Satan really resides in a subterranean inferno where he tortures hapless souls for eternity, as the Catholic Church and its many offshoots have [...]

2025-01-15T09:50:49-05:00January 15th, 2025|Categories: Video Transcripts|

What Does the Bible Say About Nuclear War?

A recently updated article on JW dot org poses the question: What Does the Bible Say About Nuclear War?  This question also happens to be the very same question Slovakians are confronted with this month on dozens of billboards placed along streets and highways throughout the country. To be sure, it is a timely question given the ongoing provocations and [...]

2025-01-16T08:39:50-05:00January 13th, 2025|Categories: Page One|

What is spiritual Israel?

(00:19): Hello again, YouTubers, and welcome to another edition of The Daily Word. I thought I'd shift gears now. I think I'm done with the consideration of the information given at this year's convention concerning the symposium about the things to come. There's a few more talks on that series, but they go into Armageddon and the New World and so forth, and I really [...]

2025-01-02T19:18:06-05:00January 2nd, 2025|Categories: Video Transcripts|

2025 – The year of chaos

I know you’ve covered this subject in your excellent book, Jehovah Has Become King; however, you said something in one of your talks that puzzled me —you said that after 'a pushing’ between the King of the North (British Empire) and the King of the South (The Republic) the King of the North will storm and flood over the King of the South with 'ships and chariots' [...]

2025-01-01T12:46:17-05:00January 1st, 2025|Categories: Mailbag, Page One|

Learning from Jesus’ Final 40 Days on Earth

The Watchtower study article this week is entitled: Learning From Jesus’ Final 40 Days on Earth For as many years as the Watchtower has been around, it is puzzling how very little Jehovah’s Witnesses have learned from Jesus’ final 40 days on earth. For the past 10 years or so, the Watchtower has adopted a new approach to prophecy. Instead of trying to interpret it, they [...]

2024-12-17T13:58:29-05:00December 17th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Psalm #32 – Shout Joyfully all you who are upright in heart

“Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned, whose sin is covered. Happy is the man whom Jehovah does not charge with guilt, in whose spirit there is no deceit.” - Psalms 32:1,2 All of us are on death row, awaiting our sentence to be carried out. That is because the wages of sin is death. So, if God grants us a full pardon, it means [...]

2024-12-14T09:15:34-05:00December 14th, 2024|Categories: Psalms|
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