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I know you’ve covered this subject in your excellent book, Jehovah Has Become King; however, you said something in one of your talks that puzzled me —you said that after 'a pushing’ between the King of the North (British Empire) and the King of the South (The Republic) the King of the North will storm and flood over the King of the South with 'ships and chariots' and he (The British Empire) will rule over ...
2025 - The year of chaos
QUESTION: I know you have said that the WT has been used by Jehovah to further His will, but is God still using the organization? I feel that, that time is over now because I can't see how God will work with an organization that has got their hands in blood and in saying that I mean by the thousands upon thousands of child abuse that takes place on a daily basis, by being ...
Jehovah is righteous in her midst
If 1914 is not the year that Jesus’ Kingdom came to power how can it possibly be true that Jehovah’s Witnesses are accomplishing what Jesus said; namely, that the good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the earth before the end? This is a very complex issue---a paradox---and it requires a bit of knowledge and thinking ability to resolve. On the one hand, it seems that some people are quick to ...
If 1914 is wrong how can Jehovah's Witnesses be right?
Does the Bible teach that the sealing of the 144,000 began at Pentecost a few days after Christ's ascension? What Bible proof is there that being anointed or receiving a token is the same as being sealed? People can lose their anointing by committing the unpardonable sin against the holy spirit. So evidently being anointed is not the same as being sealed. Anointed ones are not yet sealed. John only saw in vision the ...
The sealing and revealing of the sons of God
As you already know and have said many times, the chosen ones will be killed by beast right before the seven bowls of wrath are poured out. So, my question is, if the anointed will not be here then and will be in heaven to battle at Armageddon, who will lead the great crowd during this time? If there will be no elders or "leaders" on earth, who will do this? God never intended ...
Who will lead the great crowd through Armageddon?
Question: In update number 9, the question was asked ‘Do you believe Jehovah is directing the organization?’ I know you’ve said that it is Jehovah’s organization, but do you feel he is still directing and are we seeing the scriptures being fulfilled, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4? My feelings on update 9 is many in the congregations won’t have a problem with what’s being said as it’s in-line with the mainstream media/governments and feel the Society ...
He stands in opposition and exalts himself
I was told by an elder’s wife that Psalm 45:16 taught us that some elders would be princes in paradise.Is that what that verse means? The elder’s wife is probably ambitiously hoping her hubby gets to play the prince in paradise; but no, that is not what the Psalm means. Elders, or overseers, are a provision for Christian congregations. When Christ comes again Christianity will be dissolved. A new system will be established under ...
Questions concerning the princes and the false prophet
Since the WT has, it seems, become the mouthpiece of the scarlet colored wild beast, the disgusting thing that causes desolation, and the constant feature (the public ministry) has essentially been removed, are we not then actually seeing the fulfillment of Daniel 12:11. Are we not in the last days? Is not the disgusting thing standing in a holy place? Matt. 24:15. Jesus said when you catch sight of the disgusting thing standing in ...
The Watchtower and the disgusting thing
QUESTION: I was reading your essay titled "The antichrist is coming" and there you say that what is acting as a restraint to the man of lawlessness is the Governing body but in your essay titled "And it stood still on the sand on the sea" you write that who has been acting as a restraint to the man of lawlessness is no other than Jesus, the head of the congregation. I'm confused is ...
Questions from readers
QUESTION: If the anointed are going to give a final witness (putting themselves out there to be seen by all) why would Satan's agents need a 5g vaccine to find them? I believe the graphene injections are intended to do more than merely track and monitor.  Jehovah’s Witnesses have been blessed to know that God has a purpose. Jehovah intends to rid the earth of the evil system that has prevailed for the past ...
Graphene injections, Elijah and the prophets of Baal
I was listening to podcast 83, you were talking about the ”pushing” from America, which you said there hasn’t been a significant pushing yet. When the king of the north floods over, will we know it’s the empire? I ask because Jehovah’s Witnesses have been led to believe it’s Russia, so will it be obvious who it is? There is a reason Jehovah’s Witnesses (or anyone else) cannot understand the prophecies. Daniel was told to ...
The King of the North Will Storm
Question: Robert, you’ve spoken about the mark of the beast before, that it is symbolic. Obviously, the eighth king hasn’t risen, but things have changed since your article was written and reading the other posts about QR codes on the forehead, where should we stand on this, and will Jehovah tell us about the mark or is it for us to see? And what if we did get the vaccine before all of this ...
Vaccinations and the end of the world
QUESTION: I’ve been trying to figure out how Satan is pulling the strings behind the scenes and I can’t come up with an answer. How does he influence humans to do his will? Does the Bible have any answers on this subject? It seems to me that humans are evil themselves and don’t need Satan’s influence. He would have to possess someone in order to influence them wouldn’t he? Thank you for all that ...
How does Satan influence us?
Question: Do you think that the Covid 19 vaccination jab has anything to do with receiving the mark of the beast? There is already talk in the media about a future vaccination passport, to prove you have had the jab, without which you will not be allowed to travel, attend sporting events or public houses etc.  This could easily develop into being barred from any public places such as shops without one, I'm sure ...
Is Covid vaccination the 666 mark of the beast?
A reader has emailed me a series of questions concerning specific verses in the 11th chapter of Daniel. Dan. 11:21   Who is the “despised one”? The Watchtower explains that it was Tiberius Caesar. He was ruling during Jesus’ ministry. I think that is about the point where they lost the plot, as the saying goes. Dan. 11:23  Who / what is this “little nation”? In the chapter on the King of the North, it ...
Questions concerning the king of the north
QUESTION: What is the meaning of each of the 7 bowls of wrath, I mean how will they be manifested on earth, how will we see them? What do they symbolize? Are they literal? I know you have explained the final 2, but what about the others like the drinking of blood, the ulcers, the dying of fish in the sea, the burning from the sun and the darkness of the wild beast's kingdom ...
What do the seven bowls of wrath symbolize?
How can I use scripture and supporting argument to explain that the parousia of Christ does not begin until the death-stroke of the 7th king occurs. Is there anything in the Scriptures to support the chronological order, first the death-stroke of the 7th king, then the parousia begins? I appreciate your question. Unfortunately, Jehovah’s Witnesses have no appreciation of the implications and ramifications of your question. As far as the Governing Body is concerned ...
The Mortal Wound and the Parousia
Robert, would you explain please your statement “the now-emergent eighth king.” How can this be prior to the destruction of the seventh king? Thanks. Just to clarify, I think “emergent” was a typo. The spell checker is usually a writer’s best friend. Sometimes, though, it can be very treacherous. I intended to say “now-emerging” —as in the process of coming forth, not intending to imply the last king is already, fully emerged. In any ...
The Now-Emerging Eighth King
Someone posted a comment on your website the other day stating that the little flock was Jewish Christians and the other sheep is gentile believers. You didn’t respond to the comment, but would you explain why that is not true? I am always happy to answer questions. First, it is recommended that we consider the context of any verse in question. By doing so we may gain a broader view. Take the little flock ...
What about the little flock and the other sheep?
Do you think now Satan has been hurled down and confined to the earth or may be coming this fall? I do not think Satan and his angels have already been hurled down from heaven— certainly not in 1914, nor at any time since then. As for this coming autumn, Jesus said: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” So, it ...
The Coming Storm
Do you see CV19 as a machination of Satan to slow the preaching work, or, as Jehovah causing what the Watchtower deserves? The lockdown has impacted Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is for sure. A couple of months ago who would have imagined that the Watchtower would shutter every kingdom hall, cancel assemblies and the summer conventions and cease the public ministry? But unless something unexpected happens in the short term the health emergency is going ...
Covid 19 and the Machinations of Satan
At John 17:26 Jesus said: "I have made your name known to them.” And at Matthew 6:9-10 Jesus says to pray for God's name to be sanctified and John 12:28 Jesus says "God glorify your name.” Despite the overwhelming scripture that illustrates the Almighty has His own unique name... what reason do you think the Tetragrammaton wasn't riddled throughout the new testament and used by the disciples/apostles in their writings when reiterating Jesus ministry? In ...
Why does God allow his name to be hidden?
Hello Seer: Is the current virus du jour of man-made or of natural origin? Was the 1918 Spanish flu of natural origin or? Why do military bases always seem to be in the link? The technology did not exist a century ago to manufacture biological agents. It seems the Great War itself was the root cause of the pandemic as soldiers returning home from the bloody battlefields spread the virus far and wide. War ...
Coronavirus- Is it Biological Warfare?
QUESTION: What is the reason Jehovah has waited this long to bring about his purpose? Its obvious man cannot rule himself. Have all these years really been necessary, if so for what? The Bible acknowledges that God has subjected mankind to futility. Paul explained: “For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but through the one who subjected it, on the basis of hope that the creation itself will also ...
Why has Jehovah taken so long?
1) Does the faithful and discreet slave include all anointed brothers at bethel or just the Governing Body? Jesus indicated that he will appoint a slave to spiritually feed his body of attendants their food at the proper time. When we consider that Jesus commanded his disciples to preach the good news to the entire world, we can better appreciate what is involved. The food at the proper time would strengthen Christ’s slaves to ...
What role will women play?
Why do you refer to Jesus as the Prince of princes when the book of Daniel refers to him as one of the foremost princes? The person who became Jesus has lived the most extraordinary life. Prior to his becoming human Jesus was a spirit creature named Michael. Being a son of the King made him a prince as well —one of many angelic sons or princes. There are also dark princes —demonic spirits ...
Who is the Prince of princes?
QUESTION: If the man of lawlessness is operating undetected, even among the chosen ones right within Christ's congregation, have not the chosen ones already been misled or deceived? After all, only Jehovah and Jesus can spot counterfeit Christians, correct? Absolutely. This is the point. It is the message I have been hammering on all these years. Jehovah’s Witnesses are under a deluding influence —an operation of error if you prefer. And because they are ...
Are Jehovah's Witnesses misled?
1. Do you feel paragraph 27 (below) is accurate? 2. Do you have a more accurate Daniel image (legs down) than the one above?  3. Are these statements accurate: WW1 was fomented to weaken any threats to the British Empire. WW2 was fomented to further weaken and make nations more indebted and to (re)establish a nation of Israel in Palestine that will be the future home of some false messiah and world court? Pay ...
The rise of the last king
With the global scope of a migration/immigration “crisis” do we find any reference to prophecy regarding this major trend?  Bible prophecy focuses almost exclusively on developments that have to do with the coming of Christ —either his first or more especially, his epic, Second Coming. The long-running prophecy of the kings of the north and south divulges some clues that may shed some light on the present state of affairs. Of course, it is ...
"I will remove the boundaries of peoples"
Please kindly explain Gog of Magog, King of the North and Babylon the great. Do they all mean the same thing? There are subtle differences, but similarities. Two of the entities have been around a long time, since before the time of Christ; that being the king of the north and Babylon the Great. Gog of Magog comes on the scene in the final part of the days, but is the same as the ...
Babylon, Gog, and King of the North
Can you provide a commentary on Hosea 6:1-2? Those verses read: “Come, and let us return to Jehovah, for he has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us. He struck us, but he will bind our wounds. He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, and we will live before him.” As everyone who has ever read the Bible knows, the Israelites were God’s ...
On the Third Day He Will Raise Us Up
Question: There are concerns that the earth might be struck by a large asteroid or comet and that the Yellow Stone caldera might erupt, either of which could destroy the world. Do you think something like this might be what Armageddon is? The earth has had numerous catastrophes over the few billion years of its existence. It has taken direct hits from huge meteors and comets. The most recent impact from flying cosmic debris ...
Unless those days were cut short...
Please allow me to ask about what is your take on Daniel's 7 times, 2300, 1260, 1290 and 1335 days since his prophecy of 70 weeks of years pointed correctly to the first coming of Jesus? Ever since C.T. Russell first came on the scene the Bible Students and now Jehovah’s Witnesses, have been mesmerized by the seven times of Daniel’s prophecy. What is particularly interesting to me, though, is that the little Bible ...
What is the meaning of prophetic chronology?
Who exactly are the “glorious ones” and who is the “they” spoken about in the letter of Jude? The brief letter of Jude was written “to called ones who are loved by God the Father and preserved for Jesus Christ,” for the express purpose of exhorting them to put up a hard fight for the faith; the reason being, because “certain men have slipped in among you who were long ago appointed to this ...
Who are the glorious ones of Jude?
Question: What did Jesus mean when he told the Jews at John 8:56: “Abraham your father rejoiced greatly at the prospect of seeing my day, and he saw it and rejoiced.” How did Abraham see Jesus’ day? The Jews claimed that Abraham was their father. That is because they knew that Abraham was the genetic progenitor of the Israelites. (Although he himself was not a Jew Abraham’s great, great grandson, Judah, became the father ...
How did Abraham "see" Jesus' day?
QUESTION: Why is the Watchtower closing down and selling so many kingdom halls? Are that many JW’s leaving the organization? I really have no insight into the Watchtower’s financial state. The Watchtower is a private corporation and is not required to publicly disclose its financials. What I do know, though, is that the leadership of the organization has apparently been tempted to implement a scheme to extract equity from their real estate holdings due ...
Why so many kingdom halls for sale?
I've heard you say before that what actually triggers Armageddon is when the Beast and/or Gog murders the remaining seed of chosen ones. This is a very impactful and weighty truth that highlights the significance of their role in representing the Kingdom. It also shines a light on what I see happening with the Organization’s teachings, which are seeming to put ALL of the other sheep on the same level of importance,  etc. (Perhaps ...
How does Armageddon come about?
QUESTION: Do you agree with the WT explanation of Matthew 24:12 regarding the love of the greater number growing cold? The context seems to possibly hint otherwise. (Questions from Readers in October 1, 1984, Watchtower- 2nd question) Frankly, no. The Watchtower article linked to by the questioner was published 34 years ago. In the interim, a lot has happened. And not necessarily good. At the time the Watchtower’s answer may have seemed plausible. According ...
The love of the greater number will grow cold
QUESTION: I am wondering if perhaps the moving of the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is part of the disgusting thing on holy ground? In a word, No. Although it is the central feature of end-times theology for various evangelical sects and cults, the establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 has nothing whatsoever to do with the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Neither is President Trump’s recent recognition of Jerusalem as the ...
Does Israel in the Middle East factor into prophecy?
I may have just debunked the Bible: Q: If the Genesis account is to be believed, how would we explain: 1. How did Kangaroos make it all the way to just Australia from the Mountains of Ararat ? In geologic studies, there are two schools of thought—Uniformitarianism and Catastropheism. The dominant view that scientists are indoctrinated in is the uniformitarian theory. The Doctrine of Uniformity supposes there has been a constancy of causality throughout ...
Noah's Flood and Kangaroo Migration
QUESTION: (Rev. 13: 14,15)  Is it true that the WT teaches that the wild beast that received the sword-stroke was the League of Nations?  —and that the healed beast was/is the revived League now known as the U.N.? This is how I always interpreted their teaching. To me this makes sense when looking back at how they tried to push the League through, but it failed at that time and in a sense received ...
Did the League of Nations fulfill prophecy?
QUESTION: Matt. 25:31. How do you see this separating actually taking place and over how long of a period of time? 9 billion people, 5 minutes each = mega waking hours. First, we should not suppose that there will not be a drastic population reduction when the horses of the Apocalypse are unleashed. According to Revelation fully one-quarter of mankind will be cut down to Hades. The good news for them is that a ...
The brothers of Christ
QUESTION: Is there any Bible example(s) where Israelites or early Christians were under a "deluding influence"? The deluding influence --formerly called an “operation of error”--is a unique phenomenon associated with the return of Christ. In context, Paul was warning the brothers —who, as it turns out, is us —not to accept any announcements as authentic, no matter how authoritative their source, regarding the return of Christ as having been accomplished. The necessary precursor to ...
Delusions, past and present
QUESTION: Jehovah’s Witnesses have long understood the facets of the sign of Christ’s presence to be a description of conditions that would precede the great tribulation. My question is, are the various facets of the sign that Jesus describes merely a description of the great tribulation, rather than events that lead up to it? There is an initial sequence of events that leads up to the tribulation, but we should not suppose it stretches ...
Then there will be great tribulation
QUESTION: You've written at various times about the influence of Masonry within the Watchtower organization over the years, so I would like to have your thoughts on a recent adjustment in the New World Translation. In the 1984 edition, at Hosea 12:14, the NWT translators chose to use "Grand Master," and likewise at Malachi 1:6 we see the same usage. This has since been adjusted in the 2013 edition, where the Watchtower organization reverts ...
The Grand Master among Jehovah's Witnesses
QUESTION: Does the "inspired" recorded story of Jonah set a precedence for Jehovah to change his mind and delay the world’s destruction? —Especially upon those nations which have little to no say in world affairs or at the U.N. or who "know not their left hand from their right?" (Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, Islamists, etc... including third world countries and those opposed to JW's because of their perceived zionist connections.) First, apparently Jesus accepted the story of ...
Might Jehovah alter his timetable?
QUESTION: Luke 11:18,  Jesus: "If Satan is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?” If all of the world's kingdoms are Satan's, and, if the Anglo-American world power is to be the last before the Kingdom stone not cut by hands strikes the feet of the Daniel image; and, if Great Britain and America became a joint world power during WW1, how can it also be that since WW1 —with the set up the ...
Is Satan divided against himself?
QUESTION: The Bible says that young David unnecessarily obtained an extra 100 foreskins, killing/mutilating an extra amount of men for King Saul and yet the Bible says that Jehovah’s spirit "continued with him" after this dirty deed. The Bible also says: "Do not become mutilators of the flesh..." and "look out for those who mutilate the flesh..." -An apparent contradiction? Their kind of warfare was disturbing to say the least. The Bible also says that God hates ...
The wars of Jehovah
QUESTION: With 8 million JW's being so misguided, how are we to explain/understand/apply Jesus’ parting words at Matt. 28:20 ? Was the "conclusion" he was referring to including or only the destruction in 70ce? Being "with you all the days..." -Who has he been "with" for all what days? "All" means all, or does it? Amazing how one small verse can open up a whole can of worms/questions… The phrase “the conclusion of the ...
The Harvest is a Conclusion of a System
QUESTION: Who is Elijah, foretold at Malachi 4:5, who comes before the awe-inspiring day of Jehovah? And what will he accomplish? And is he in fact the one that will be appointed over all the domestics to give them food at the proper time? The verse in question also happens to be the very last verse of the entire Hebrew collection, which states: “Look! I am sending to you Elijah the prophet before the coming ...
Who is Elijah who is coming?
Please pardon me, I have a bit of a sniffle. Here are links to related articles  ...
Who says "peace and security"?
QUESTION: Will you write an article for me and others to help with a response when talking to sisters and brothers? I appreciate your zeal and willingness to try to reason with Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is not an easy thing to do. In fact, it is near impossible. It may help to understand the underlying mindset. As you surely know the Watchtower is all-imposing upon the spiritual lives of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It controls all ...
Guarded Secrets You Have not Known
QUESTION: Is the stone hitting the feet/toes of the Daniel image the equivalent / same as Armageddon, or, the start of the "great tribulation? And does the not mixing of the iron and clay indicate that not all peoples will support the "eighth king" / world order dictatorship with the kind of order/unity that Hitler once achieved in Germany?  As we know, the stone not made with human hands represents the Kingdom. And the ...
It will crush all these kingdoms
Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe the great crowd will live on earth when Revelation 19:1 clearly says the great crowd is in heaven? It is problematic when a single verse is used as the proof of a particular teaching. Yes, obviously, Revelation 19:1 states that John “heard what seemed to be a loud voice of a great crowd in heaven.” The question is, is that the same great crowd that John had seen earlier ...
Is the great crowd in heaven or on earth?
QUESTION: Who is ‘the false prophet?" And why is he called such? Revelation 16:13 is the first mention of the false prophet. It reads: “And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and ...
Who is the false prophet of Revelation?
QUESTION: Who is "the one who is acting as a restraint?" --and why does God "let" anyone be fooled by a lie? God of love, really? The question is based upon Paul’s prophecy regarding the presence of a man of lawlessness, wherein the apostle revealed: “And now you know what is acting as a restraint, so that he will be revealed in his own due time. True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already ...
Who is the one acting as a restraint?
QUESTION: In view of 1 Thessalonians 4:17, will there perhaps be some anointed in the end who will not be killed, but will simply be "raptured"? Would appreciate your thoughts on this. The answer is no and yes. Allow me to explain. In context the verse in question states: “For this is what we tell you by Jehovah’s word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord will in no ...
Does Thess 4:17 indicate a rapture?
QUESTION: Here is a quote from one of your articles I don't understand "Just as Jesus indicated that the Law and the Prophets were until John (the Baptizer), secondarily, or rather – primarily – the Prophets are until the second coming of Jesus Christ." Where do you get your understanding on the prophets are until the second coming of Christ? Jesus made the statement that the Law and the Prophets were until John to ...
The Prophets and the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ
QUESTION: At John 6:44 Jesus said no one can come to me unless the father draws him. The application always seems to be made by witnesses regarding that verse that it applies to all basically who become baptized witnesses or servants of Jehovah members of the other sheep. I have a hard time accepting that, for it seems to me that the verse applies more to the choosing of the holy ones, the anointed ...
The First Resurrection on the Last Day
QUESTION: As a long time reader of what you've shared through the years, I'm curious as to your view of Paul's words to the followers of Jesus living at Rome: Rom 16:17 “Now I beg you, brothers, look out for those who are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and turn away from them.” —Rom 16:17. My question is this: given the growing record and evidences ...
Look out for those causing divisions
QUESTION: When Christ returns to judge the billions of people for life or death, will it not take years, if not decades, to accomplish this feat/deed? No. The Scriptures refer to it as “that day,” as in the Lord’s day, or Jehovah’s day —indicating that it is a relatively short period of time, as is a 24 hour day. Basically, what people do now will determine their fate “in that day” anyway. For example, ...
How long is judgment day?
QUESTION: Do you think the upcoming total eclipse is a biblical sign? In a word, no. An eclipse, though rare, is a natural phenomenon that occurs on a regular, totally predictable schedule and has since God created the heavens and the earth. Furthermore, an eclipse is only visible to certain geographic areas and only lasts for a few minutes. Jesus, of course, spoke of the sun being blacked out and the moon turning to ...
Is the eclipse a biblical sign?
QUESTION: The June 2017 Watchtower has a couple of articles entitled Keep Your Eyes on the Big Issue and Uphold Jehovah’s Sovereignty. The “big issue” is explained to be the ‘vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty.’ The Watchtower has used this phrase since back in the 1930’s when Rutherford published a book called Vindication. But nowhere in the Bible do we even find the words “vindicate” or “vindication,” and there isn’t even any scriptural support for ...
The Vindication of Jehovah's Sovereignty
Question: While you do make very good and fascinating points, the question I have is the following: Everything in Prophecy (Ezekiel, Isaiah, etc.) you point to the JW's as per the fulfillment. Is it not possible that these prophecies can also point to say the Adventists, Mormons, Baptists, Christadelphians, etc? How can you be so sure it is only the JW's they point to? Aren't all religions misguided and cults? When Jesus was on earth ...
Why Jehovah's Witnesses?
This is a response to an email I recently received from one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  Satan has long used apostates in his efforts to seduce God's servants (Matt.13:36-39) Apostates may claim to worship Jehovah and to believe the Bible, but they reject the visible part of his organization. This is not true. The real apostates are very much apart of God’s organization. They praise the organization and exalt the Governing Body as the already ...
Addressing Accusations of Apostasy
Question: I noticed you tweet a lot of political news. Can you possibly explain what the correlation is between prophecy and the current political scene? I find this president extremely repulsive, immature, and full of drama. I can't tell what news is fake or real. I thought we should be expecting a financial collapse soon, so why would we be putting any confidence in this president to fix or lead the world in a ...
Trump, Fake News, the Deep State and Bible Prophecy
QUESTION: Do you see the Trump vs The Globalist "pushing" as truly the "pushing" as prophecy states or is it just a distraction? It certainly seems to be a conflict between the Iron and Clay. “In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the ...
In the time of the end - a pushing
Question: If Jehovah is all-knowing, then he had to have known that Satan would rebel and that Adam and Eve would follow. Since God had to have known beforehand, why did he go through with it and allow all the misery and mayhem? Doesn’t that make him responsible for all of the evil in the world? Jehovah endowed angels and humans with the gift of free will. We can choose our own course. Obviously, ...
If Jehovah knows all, why did he bother?
QUESTION: Given the current and developing situation for the brothers and sisters in Russia, when can we expect the Watchtower organization's leadership to admonish and encourage the friends in Russia to follow Jesus' advice at Matthew 10:23? “When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.” —Matthew 10:23 ...
Until the Son of man arrives
QUESTION: I've been watching the development of the story out of Russia where Jehovah's Witnesses are evidently being accused of extremism by the Russian government, which is surprising since I thought Jehovah's Witnesses hold to neutrality and have since their beginning, not even taking up arms against others. How is it, then, that they are being accused of extremism, considering most people associate extremism with terrorism? And is this a modern-day parallel to the ...
If Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses...
QUESTION: What is the "constant feature" mentioned in Daniel chaps. 8, 11, 12? The “constant feature” is what the Watchtower has explained it to be. Most translations either use the phrase “daily sacrifice” or “continual burnt offering.” The most literal rendering is “continual sacrifice” —alluding to the sacrifices associated with the physical tabernacle and temple attended to by the Levitical priests. According to the Law given to Moses at Mount Sinai the priests attending to ...
What is the constant feature and when is it removed?
QUESTION: Jehovah's Witnesses expect there to be opposition from Satan and his agents, but given that the Watchtower's leadership is making decisions contrary to God's just and loving principles and likely to result in harassment from the authorities Jehovah has in place to punish wrongdoers, and given that the typical brother and sister has no knowledge of these high-level decisions, how does one discern whether harassment is due to simple opposition to the work, ...
What will you do when the end comes?
QUESTION: In a recent Tweet of yours you linked to an article on LaRouche PAC talking about “fake news.” Towards the end of that article they wrote: "The world is turning to China's New Silk Road process, marking the end of zero-sum "geopolitics" under the British Empire..." but I have no idea what they're talking about re: "China's New Silk Road process" and "the end of zero-sum ‘geo-politics,’” so am hoping you can enlighten ...
What is the New Silk Road (OROB)?
I am not claiming that all partakers are chosen to go to heaven. But not partaking isn't scriptural, for a couple reasons. 1 Timothy 4:1-5. But if all food can be consumed, so can the emblems. And this scripture may be referring to the WT, as they are the only group of people who believe the Bible(falling away from the truth) that prevent others from eating food as a thanksgiving(emblems) and they also prevent ...
Who Should Partake of the Memorial Emblems?
QUESTION: I have a question for you. What is your understanding of Revelation 6:10,11? The Watchtower interprets it in a way so that they may support their 1918 resurrection dogma. In their Revelation Climax book and in W07 01/01 they say that the Christian martyrs' receiving white robes represents their being resurrected in 1918 while the "resting" "a little while longer" takes place AFTER they are resurrected when "they must wait patiently for God's ...
Has the first resurrection begun?
Apologies: For some unknown reason messages sent to me from the contact form were either not being delivered or were sent to my spam folder. This question from a JW reader was recovered. QUESTION: You say in some of your videos that despite some flaws, Jehovah's Witnesses are doing God's will on earth, namely preaching the Kingdom message. You also say (and I wholeheartedly agree) that 1914 is a false teaching; hence, Jehovah’s Witnesses ...
Are Jehovah's Witnesses preaching a false message?
QUESTION: The Watchtower has changed their position on this several times. I would like to know your opinion. Will the people of Sodom be resurrected or not?  Pondering the question of whether or not the people of Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected is really peculiar to Jehovah’s Witnesses, since the mainstream churches do not really believe in any sort of earthly resurrection, much less a resurrection for notoriously wicked persons. But Jesus indicated ...
Will the people of Sodom be resurrected?
As regards your video The Beginning and the End, how do you know that Satan and his angels were not thrown out of heaven in 1914? And if it happens in the future, how will we know it? As Jehovah’s Witnesses well know the Watchtower’s “evidence” for 1914 is primarily based upon chronology —the so-called seven times that have been formulated to mean 2,520 years and are counted from the year Jerusalem is believed ...
How will we know when Satan is cast down?
QUESTION: Before I ask this question I just wish to make it clear that this is not a personal attack on you, so please do not take offense.  Okay, so I acknowledge that you have often clearly stated that you are not anti-JW, or bitter about having been disfellowshipped, and that you actively encourage those who are in the Watchtower organization, or those who are studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses, to continue doing so.  You ...
Why do you attack the Governing Body?
QUESTION: Why do you think the end hasn't come yet? What is the purpose of allowing the present system to continue? What is Jehovah actually waiting for to bring this miserable system to an end? It is disheartening, to say the least, that 2017 is upon us and this wicked system is still in charge. The short answer is God is patient, as the apostle Peter wrote: “Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, ...
QUESTION: The seventh chapter of Revelation tells us that the 144,000 are taken from the 12 tribes of Israel —12,000 from each tribe. What do you believe these 12 tribes represent and what does the selection of 144k from these tribes indicate? What of those who are not taken and when does this selection take place? When God made a covenant with Abraham he stated that all the nations would gain a blessing through ...
What about the 144,000 and 12 tribes?
Why would the Watchtower organization invest the tremendous amount of money required to build their new facilities if they believed the end is as near as they proclaim it to be? And is this a parallel to the Jews continued pouring of money into Herod’s second Temple building project, even though it was all destroyed by Jehovah in 70CE? History does repeat itself in various ways. Recently someone brought to my attention an interesting ...
Why did the WT build a new headquarters?
If Jesus’ presence did not occur in 1914 how is it that one of the most prominent signs of his presence —the world wide preaching of God’s Kingdom —is being fulfilled? The last thing Jesus said before he ascended to heaven was: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and ...
Is the preaching work a sign of his presence?
QUESTION: Just wanted to ask your opinion on the flat earth movement circulating the internet. If the Bible supports such a claim that we live in a "terrarium" made by Jehovah's hand through his son. Reason I'm considering it is because if the earth was flat and the sun and moon and stars revolve around the earth. Then there would be no question of a creator, which would be exactly what the elite would ...
Is the Earth Flat or Round?
QUESTION: Robert, What does the Devil gain, what advantage does he acquire by implementing and promoting a fake parousia of Christ? If one was to ask why is it such a big deal? Why would he go through such an elaborate reach to cause a war in 1914 to convince the masses Christ parousia has begun? Even if the Watchtower changes their position on 1914, don't you think the masses of Witnesses would fit ...
The Devil's Disguise
QUESTION: I was reading one of the study articles called "Why Keep on the Watch,” and in paragraph 12, I found this interesting statement about what's to come in the future. 12 Do not let the apathy of others discourage or dissuade you from keeping on the watch. You know better. Paul wrote to fellow believers: “You yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming,” and he added, “exactly as a thief in ...
The Lord's Day is Coming Exactly as a Thief in the Night
QUESTION: Robert, when do you see the coming fatal blow to the 7th head, and is there a name attached to the deliverer of it? The short answer is, no one knows the day or hour. And the name attached to the “deliverer” of the mortal blow is “the tyrant and tyrants of the nations.” This ought to raise a few questions in the minds of inquisitive persons, such as what is the seventh ...
Downfall of America and Rise of the Beast
QUESTION: Whats your take on the new June 2016 WT, page 16, Question from Readers: "Whom do the man with the secretary's inkhorn and the six men with smashing weapons described in Ezekiel’s vision symbolize?" ANSWER: The Watchtower’s recent “adjustment” is correct. The man with the inkhorn and the six men with smashing weapons symbolize the angels who are involved in both saving the righteous and executing the wicked. And as they correctly note, ...
The Secretary's Inkhorn
QUESTION: What are your thoughts on the “Brexit”? Does this have anything to do with Bible prophecy? ANSWER: Britain’s exit from the European Union seems to have taken everyone by surprise. Except it should be pointed out that it is not a done deal yet. The referendum may be nullified or overturned. That said, whether the United Kingdom actually leaves the Union is irrelevant, as it seems that the first shot has been fired of ...
Brexit and the Beast
QUESTION: We have been taught that only those baptized will be saved, using the example of the Jews all being "baptized through the Red Sea" (1 Cor 10:2). And the example of Noah, at 1 Pet 3:21 "Baptism, which corresponds to this, is also now saving you (not by the removing of the filth of the flesh, but by the request to God for a good conscience), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." Interestingly, ...
Before the Day of Jehovah's Anger
Do you have questions related to the material presented on e-Watchman, or general Bible questions? Or perhaps questions regarding doctrinal matters and beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses or issues about the Watchtower that cannot be discussed in the congregation? Then feel free to submit them to me at or via the form below. If you do not see your question here in the Mailbag it may have been considered in a podcast.  Here is ...
Got Questions?
QUESTION: Since, the citizens of the United States (not me) will be electing a new president this year and in view of the coming World War III, whom do you believe will be the next President correlating with Bible prophecy to bring about World War III? I know the Father puts it into the minds of the Wild Beast to bring about his day, but just wondering who do you think the next president ...
Who Will Be the Next President of America?
QUESTION: Can you please provide any information as to why John chapter 8, verses 1 through to 11 have been omitted from the New World Translation? It is my understanding that scholars believe that the earliest  manuscripts we have of the gospel of John did not include those words from Jesus. Could it be that copyists later on inserted those words into the copied manuscripts? If the latter is true, what do you believe ...
Why Does the New World Translation Omit Verses in John?
QUESTION: Since Jehovah God is the father of Jesus, how is it that on Matthew 1:16 listing the genealogy of Jesus says that he is related to Joseph? Joseph never had relations to Mary until after Jesus' birth, so his genetic material was never part of Jesus' conception.  Thus, how is it that Jesus is a son of David, son of Abraham? Was, perhaps, Mary also part of the house of David?  Or is ...
Jesus, Mary and Joesph
QUESTION: Why do you teach that the 'authentic' parousia will involve greater wars, when the Bible says that everything will be just normal? Matthew 24:36-39 tells us of a completely different situation concerning Christ’s presence. “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. For ...
The Presence of the Son of Man
QUESTION: An article in the January, 2016, Watchtower, on paragraph 14, states that the Bible does not say how many of the anointed will be left at the time that the tribulation begins. However, I have understood from previous podcasts and articles of yours that there will be 7000. I take it this means that the Bible does not state how many will be there when the great tribulation begins, but it does state ...
What about the 7,000 who are killed?
QUESTION: Concerning the model prayer, where Jesus said “Let your Kingdom come, let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” So my question is, if Jehovah’s will is taking place in heaven would that not mean that Satan was cast down 2000 years ago? (Slightly edited)  Keep in mind that our lifespan compared to God’s is virtually non-existent. The apostle Peter explained that one day to God is like a thousand ...
Is God's Will Being Done in Heaven and Earth?
QUESTION: If the times of the gentiles is in future, as e-watchman claims, how are we to understand the scripture at Ezekiel 21:25-27, used as a principle proof text of the Appointed Times of the Nations (Insight volume), that the Gentile Times started when Jerusalem was destroyed sometime between 607-587 B.C.E.? (Question slightly edited) ANSWER: The verses in question read: “But your day has come, O fatally wounded, wicked chieftain of Israel, the time of ...
When was Jesus given the Kingdom?
QUESTION: The January, 2016, WT study article stated that anointed persons are not necessarily more spiritual than non-anointed Christians. I understand the importance of humility and of never feeling superior to others, regardless of your privileges in God's service.  But how can it be said the anointed do not have any more holy spirit or special knowledge than that of the other sheep?  If this is not the case, why are we admonished to ...
How Will Zechariah 8:23 Be Fulfilled?
QUESTION: How are we to understand the identity of the false prophet, recorded at Rev 16:13? ANSWER: The Watchtower identifies the false prophet as the same entity as represented in the 13th chapter of Revelation as the two-horned beast that rises up from the earth and begins speaking as a dragon. This seems to be the correct interpretation. However, we may be certain that the “false prophet” has not come on the scene yet ...
What about the "false prophet" of Revelation?
QUESTION: At Mark 13:32 Jesus said: "Concerning that day or hour nobody knows, neither the angels nor the Son…” Is Jesus talking about his presence, which Jehovah’s Witnesses believe began in 1914, or is he talking about Armageddon? ANSWER: The simple answer is, Jesus was referring to the day and hour for the beginning of the conclusion and ultimately his presence among the chosen ones —not the world-ending war of Armageddon. The context makes ...
No one knows the day or hour - but of what?
QUESTION: If the stone strikes the image upon its feet and toes during the time of the end, where in the stream of time does that leave the eighth king of Rev. 17:11? Is it possible that these two events mentioning differing numbers of kings/rulers could years or even centuries apart? I do not understand why God made these two prophecies so confusingly different if they are to happen at close or similar time ...
What about the eighth king of Revelation and the feet of iron and clay?
QUESTION: I am a bit confused. Can you help? Dangerous world situation followed by solution. Result: Peace and security declared. Then, instant disaster —great tribulation. Ok so far. Jehovah intervenes to prevent total annihilation. Rev. 16:12-15. Armageddon! With the Syrian war pulling in more hardware and more countries with vastly differing agendas. The situation seems very ominous. How does this all fit together? ANSWER: Through years of subtle indoctrination the Watchtower has molded the ...
Jehovah's Witnesses & World War III
QUESTION: Jesus said at Matthew chapter 24 verse 9, ‘on account of my name you will be hated’, etc. Do you feel that we downplay the name of Jesus or the role of Jesus in relation to the name of Jehovah in the time of the end or during the Great Tribulation? As Jehovah's Witnesses, we are most dominantly influenced to call on the name of Jehovah, which I understand why. But why did ...
How are Jehovah's Witnesses persecuted for the name of Jesus?
QUESTION: I am not sure if you have heard of this or even care to give it consideration, but I discovered this info about an alleged "checklist" from the Watchtower to congregational elders, directing them to destroy “evidence.” I know you were an elder and have dealt with many organizational duties. I find this to be terrible if true, and another example of the Society’s callus disregard for the welfare of the flock in ...
Is it true the Watchtower orders elders to destroy evidence?
QUESTION: How do you feel this Paris attack relates? How does one explain that the fear and actions are not fulfilling the sign of the last days or Christ's parousia? In addition, could some say it will be an excuse to attack religion? When a person is indoctrinated with a particular point of view — in this instance, that the last days began in 1914 — they tend to be conditioned to look at ...
Paris Terror Attack and Bible Prophecy
QUESTION: We have read all your "peace and security" articles and someone already posed the question if it is possible that the declaration of peace and security might come after the world war and you said ‘no that is not possible’, but then on another article someone asked you in the comments and you said you weren't dogmatic. Might it be possible that a very limited nuclear strike could happen and then suddenly countries ...
Whenever they say "peace and security" - Then what?
QUESTION: What are "the things coming upon the inhabited earth?" We've read about aliens or the demons showing up on earth. Are the demons going to show themselves? There is a card game called "Illuminati cards" and most of the big things like 9-11 were predicted, together with the NWO agendas such as population control or gun control and there are some cards showing that some mutated or radioactive monsters could be unleashed and that ...
Aliens, Demons and Scary Monsters!
QUESTION: In reading Acts 2:14-21, Peter quotes from Joel chapter 2. How do you reason that Joel’s prophecy applies to the modern day parousia, when Peter applied those verses to their time? Frankly, how could Peter have applied those prophetic words to then? Did the sun darken, moon into blood, people calling on the name of Jehovah to be saved then? ANSWER: It is interesting that the apostle Peter, who had just been among ...
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Last Days
Question: Just curious if you will return to Jehovah's temple to be part of the last witness to the world after the coming of Christ and the removal of that which causes stumbling? Answer: It is not going to work that way. And unfortunately, or rather, by divine providence, Jehovah’s Witnesses have no knowledge of these matters. That is because Jehovah has caused a deep sleep to fall upon those who function in the ...
Will You Return to Jehovah's Temple After the Purge?
QUESTION: The last chapter of Zechariah, talking about the end times and what will happen to certain 'nations' after Armageddon, indicates that those leaders of nations who are not God's followers will have to go to Jerusalem once a year and pledge their allegiance. Is this alluding to a number of countries and their residents who will live through Armageddon? ANSWER: The setting of the 14th chapter of Zechariah is the nations making an ...
Question concerning the prophecy of Zechariah
QUESTION: I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses.  I am not disfellowshipped nor have I disassociated myself.  I still go to meetings on occasion, but I'm what is considered inactive.  My interest is that you still hold true to the teaching of Jehovah's witnesses but yet not everything.  Although I was raised a Catholic, I never believed Jesus was God, or hell fire, or in the immortality of the soul and Idolizing the saints.  As ...
Does Jehovah even have anything to do with Jehovah's Witnesses?
QUESTION: The Scriptures depicting the eighth king, seem more like a riddle, such as Samson's riddle to the Philistines, than a statement. For instance, how can a kingdom "that was", still not be around or already present? Since this takes a mind with wisdom, isn't Revelation telling us that the 8th king is already here? Or that it has already been, but is cloaked so-to-speak, rather already setup? ANSWER: The angel’s explanation of the ...
What is the wild beast in Revelation that was, but is not?
QUESTION: Dear Robert, how is it that that sex offenders out in the world have to go on a sex registry that lets parents know of child molesters living in their neighborhood, that secular law prohibits sex offenders from living within range of a school or park... and yet a sex offender could be sitting next to you and your young child in a Watchtower meeting, and you'd have no idea whatsoever. How is ...
Consequences for the Watchtower's Child Abuse Policy
My question is regarding a verse in the book of Revelation. It is Revelation 17:10: How is it that the seventh king is said to “remain a little while,” yet the Anglo-American world power has been around for a while, hasn't it? Or was there an interruption between the 6th and 7th kings domination (Rome being the 6th “the one who is”) in other words they didn't rule consecutively? I kindly appreciate your words ...
The Anglo-American Special Relationship
QUESTION: How is the number 144,000 inclusive of (if literal) ALL who will go to heaven? A unique feature of the 144,000 sealed ones is indicated at Rev. 6:11 where it says they wait under the altar until "the number was filled of their fellow slaves and their brother WHO WERE ABOUT TO BE KILLED AS THEY HAD BEEN." Rev. 7:4 gives us the specific number of these sealed ones. Does this not indicate ...
144,000 sealed and the Revelation of Christ
QUESTION: Who are the twenty four Elders in the book of Revelation? ANSWER: According to the Watchtower the 24 elders represent the 144,000 as a group. I agree with their interpretation. The first mention of the 24 elders is in the fourth chapter of Revelation. It reveals that 24 elders sit upon thrones and wear golden crowns upon their heads – obviously symbolizing that they are kings. Also, their thrones are situated around Jehovah’s ...
Who are the 24 elders in Revelation?
This is part three of a series of three questions in the Mailbag 3) If the WT has been in such egregious error before Jehovah purporting a supposed lie of 1914, and willfully doing do we explain Jesus backing and blessing the preaching work of the last 100 years? Honestly, I’ve never understood how we apply Matthew 24:14 over the last 100 yrs. It makes more sense to apply it to a very impactful, ...
What about the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses?
This is part two of a series of three. Click here for part one. 2) If Jehovah has chosen to use you in speaking out to warn the WT, (which I’m not denying is plausible), but based on your expressed frustrations of attempting and failing to gain a louder or more impactful platform to be heard, why has He not made you more visible and seen?  I hate asking this latter question because I ...
Why is e-Watchman's voice not more prominent?
QUESTION:(Excerpted from a longer comment) …I have to ask you 3 questions to help me evolve further and put my mind to rest, the best it can. Though, I know these questions may be blunt, I trust your maturity and perception as to why I ask.... In your new website front page introductory video (which is very good btw), you made reference that "isnt that the way it is for prophets?" How do you reconcile ...
How can e-watchman claim to be a "prophet"?
QUESTION: I'd like to get your opinion to my question in order to help me clarify a justification I'm trying to make. When the WTBTS withdrew from being an NGO associate couldn't it be viewed as their realization they had done something wrong and were trying to rectify the situation? I know from the book of Daniel the holy ones would be brought back into a clean condition. Could all of the changes being ...
Has the Watchtower demonstrated it has changed?
QUESTION: The ninth chapter of Revelation says that the fifth angel blew his trumpet. “And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth…” How can you justify a star that had fallen from heaven to the earth as being Jesus Christ? How can the expression “star fallen from heaven” apply to Jesus Christ? Who will give the key to the shaft of abyss to him i.e. Jesus Christ? Will it be Jehovah? ANSWER: ...
Is Jesus really the star that falls from heaven?
QUESTION: I wanted to ask you your opinion of this video, particularly where he quoted Ezekiel prophesying the Prince of Russia (Meshech), etc. Do you agree with him? Honestly, I didn't watch the whole video. I couldn’t. I made several earnest attempts, but just couldn’t manage to sit through more than a couple of minutes per session. It is well produced, no question about it. Unfortunately, it is painfully evident he doesn’t know what ...
What about Russia and China and Gog?
QUESTION: Robert, I was curious your input on this talk by Brother Lösch. In it he highlights that 'they who declare "peace & security" could be religious leaders joining political leaders' - confiscating their financial accounts which would then fulfill the destruction of Babylon. Also, he points out (3) days: Judgement Day (1,000 yrs) ; Lords Day (1914-end of millennium) ; Jehovah's Day (beginning destruction of religion thru to Armageddon. ANSWER: Imagine you are lost in ...
Jesus coming as a thief in the night
QUESTION: At Leviticus: 12:1, 2&4 Jehovah went on to say to Moses: “Tell the Israelites, ‘If a woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a male, she will be unclean for seven days…… She will continue cleansing herself from the blood for the next 33 days.” (total of 40 days) In the same chapter, 12:5 it states: “‘If she should give birth to a female, she will then be unclean for 14 days…. She ...
Why the difference between the sexes regarding ritual purification?
QUESTION: My question is about a verse in the book of Luke. Luke 18: says: “And one of the rulers questioned him, saying: ‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life?’ Jesus said to him: ‘Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God.’”  I’m a little confused?  Clearly, Jesus made a distinction between himself and Jehovah about being good, but surely Jesus is good as well.  So what does that distinction ...
Why didn't Jesus accept being called "good"?
Question: Would you explain the history of Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body of Elders?  When was this group of men formed?  Are we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, suppose to consider anything spoken by these men to be from Jehovah God or Jesus Christ?  Why do so many Jehovah's Witnesses basically give these men an allegiance or devotion that is paramount with Jehovah God? ______________ Answer: The Governing Body in its present form is a relatively new ...
governing body Jehovah's Witnesses
Question: Would you please give a definition of "spiritually drunk?" Also, how can we tell if a individual or an entire group of people or congregation, if you will,  is spiritually drunk? ________ Answer:  The Bible uses drunkenness as a way of describing those who are not sober of mind. Just as a person who is literally drunk is unreasonable, yet unaware of their impairment, a person who is spiritually drunk is unwilling to reason ...
What is a spiritual drunkard?
Question: Since judgment begins with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17), and the call goes forth at some point afterwards for God's people to come out of Babylon the Great (Jeremiah 51:45; Revelation 18:4), lest they partake of the judgments to befall her (Revelation 18:21), then in what way can we expect that Jehovah's Witnesses will go into/be in captivity to Babylon the Great? Answer: The 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation are ...
Get out of her my people
Sometimes you just gotta let yourself be wronged. Your one-man band against  Jehovah’s approved body is a futile gesture, and as usual, is seemingly to draw attention to yourself. Man-up and repent, come back, there's  always room for a prodigal son. Over the years I have received many emails. Some are supportive. Others express confusion, some anger and outrage. Sometimes I respond privately. Sometimes I simply ignore them. Sometimes I respond publicly. This is ...
QUESTION: If Jesus hasn't begin ruling as King (since 1914), does he currently hold the 7 congregations (Our Organization) in his hand? The reason I ask, is then what do we call the last 100 years? Obviously, it has served a purpose in bringing forth light to the world about Jehovah's Grand name and the Kingdom. Can Jesus be controlling and blessing the congregations for the last 100 years while not holding the position ...
If Jesus is not king, then what about...?
Question: Is the Watchtower Organization setting itself up to be a "false Messiah" or "false Christ" at the true parousia? Answer: In a word, Yes. However, we should not suppose it is by human design. Look at the role Israel played in accomplishing God’s purpose. Paul explained to the Hebrew Christians that the Jewish law had served as a tutor leading them to Christ. But how many of the Jewish leaders accepted Christ? Only a ...
Will the Watchtower become a false Christ?
QUESTION: What is the mark of the beast and how can one avoid having such a mark? ANSWER: That is a good question. It is a question that Jehovah’s Witnesses should seriously reconsider. But to better appreciate the significance of the 666 mark of the beast the question ought to be rephrased to ask: What and when is the mark of the beast? Allow me to explain. The Watchtower last touched on the topic of ...
What is the 666 mark of the beast?
QUESTION: There's theories out there that suggest a monetary reset having to do with the BRIC nations and SDR's coming soon. As your well aware, nations have already started to drop the USD as a reserve currency . Some economists are saying this could take place in '15 or '16 or soon there after. I know you imply that the US will suddenly crash as like Babylon did, but I'm wondering if the International bankers ...
Will USA collapse slow or fast?
QUESTION: Can you think of a reason why people will be/would be throwing their gold and silver into the streets? Ez. 7:19 - too dangerous to own or perhaps guilt over how they obtained it? ANSWER: There is no reason that people would literally throw gold and silver into the street and there is no evidence that people ever have, even when under siege.  Had they literally thrown their precious metals into the street ...
Why will people throw gold into the street?
Question: I read your prediction for the Warwick project. So if it succeeds I guess you will be eating your hat? What if it becomes a world-wide model of environmental efficiency? __________ What you call a prediction seems to me to be simply common sense, based upon my unique understanding of prophecy, coupled with current events. For the unfamiliar, the prophecy of Isaiah refers to a particular city on the border of “Egypt” called the ...
What if your Warwick prediction is wrong?
Question: Where do you feel the growing nation of Islam fits in to Bible prophecy? First, there is no such thing as “the nation of Islam” - at least not in the sense that the question apparently implies. (The Nation of Islam is the name of a black, muslim organization in America currently headed by Louis Farrakhan) Islam is a name similar to Christianity that encompasses denominations and sub-sects. The two main branches are ...
Where does Islam fit into Bible prophecy?
QUESTION: I have done a lot of research about Judge Rutherford online. I'm well aware that you can't always believe everything you come across. With that in mind, it seems he had a lot of issues. Over drinking, he didn't live with his wife for over 20 years while president of WBTS. There is quite a list of things online. I could write a book on the things he's done wrong, in fact I ...
What about Judge Rutherford?
QUESTION: I am sure you have heard about the talk by Anthony Morris about tight pants being from the homosexuals. Just curious, What are your thoughts? I included a link to a YouTube video for you.  __________ ANSWER: Having watched the video, I have to say I agree with Brother Morris. I don't think there is any question that gays dominate the fashion world, as well as the entertainment media.  And we  in the ...
Tight pants askance
QUESTION: Is it true that the viruses such as AIDS, EBOLA are genetically modified and created in labs to cull the population by CIA and US defense? Are these to be included as one of the many schemes of the King of North? ANSWER: There is no question that over recent decades numerous nations have devoted considerable resources to developing biological warfare capabilities. I have not researched it very deeply as it seems to ...
Ebola and Biological Warfare
QUESTION: If you could filter the Watchtower’s doctrine, what exactly would you remove to make it wholesome and acceptable to real Bible teachings and standards?  ANSWER: I wouldn’t remove anything. I am not a reformer. Besides, the problem is not really doctrinal. The problem is that there are wicked men in the highest positions of authority and they are agents of the Devil who have disguised themselves as ministers of righteousness, as Paul said ...
Would you change Watchtower doctrine?
QUESTION: I'm confused as to who Gog is. Is it Satan? Or something influenced by Satan? __________ ANSWER: Your confusion is understandable. For years the Watchtower taught that Gog was a reference to Satan after his ouster from heaven in 1914. But as of the 2014 Annual Meeting Gog is now said to represent the last kingdom. The reason for the change is because Ezekiel 38:15 and 39:2 reveal that Gog will descend upon ...
Who is Gog of Magog?
QUESTION: You have tweeted and had a few update videos about the deadly Ebola disease. Do you think this is part of the sign of  Jesus’ coming or just a continuation of what began in 1914? (Slightly edited) ANSWER: As it stands presently Ebola is not a pandemic; however, it is spreading rapidly in West Africa. (Ebola spreading at “terrifying rate”) Some epidemiologists fear that the disease has already reached a point of critical mass, ...
What about Ebola?
QUESTION: Zechariah describes another Holocaust in Israel before Jesus returns, where 2/3 of the Jews are wiped out. The remaining accept Jesus as their Messiah, they look upon the one whom they pierced and repent. Paul describes this event in Romans 11 saying all Israel will be saved. A remnant of Jews remain whom God seals. Some believe that it's these Jews that are redeemed who are the 144,000 sealed: 12,000 from each tribe ...
What is the Israel of God?
QUESTION: Will the people who belong to Babylon the Great die during Babylon's destruction or will they survive until Armageddon? And when will the weeds will be thrown into the fire? At Armageddon, or before? ANSWER: Revelation 18:4, an oft-quoted verse by the Watchtower, states: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her ...
Armageddon, or before?
QUESTION: How could Jehovahs Witnesses or the Governing Body misunderstand a simple, plain reading verse, such as Acts 1:11? New International Version: "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."To be anything other than Jesus setting foot on this earth at his return? or at the very ...
How could Jehovahs Witnesses be so wrong?
QUESTION: What did Jesus mean when he said to his disciples that "they will lay their hands on you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name's sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness." (Luke 21:12-13 ESV)  What was it that Jesus was trying to get his disciples to understand and appreciate? Finally, what is the modern-day parallel that we ...
What did Jesus mean?
QUESTION #1) Someone has just sent me a link to your article, Chapter 19 - Jeremiah, and whilst reading through, I have been prompted to ask two questions: #1) When you are discussing Judah ( God’s named people) and the warnings of Jeremiah against her, can you confirm/clarify to me, whether these references you discuss are being applied to Judah before her being taken captive by the Babylonians, or after her having been set free from ...
Jehovah's Witnesses and Jeremiah
QUESTION: How will Jehovah's people know when it is time to abandon the Watchtower and how will God let them know? God gave convincing proofs to help ancient Israel to make the switch to the new Israel.  ANSWER: First, the “switch to the new Israel” was not as smooth and easy as we might imagine. Many of the Jews who accepted Christ found it very difficult to completely cut ties with Judaism. Some of them ...
How Will Jehovah's Witnesses Know When to Leave the WT?
QUESTION: What can happen to the spirituality of a person who marries someone who is part of Christendom and who denies Jehovah? Can a person who becomes part of Christendom also worship Jehovah? What are the consequences for a such person from  Jehovah’s  point of view? ANSWER: Marrying a person who does not accept Jehovah is not wise. The Bible has several examples of those who did so and it did not turn out ...
Marrying an unbeliever...
QUESTION: If, as some say, the third world war has already started, when will they be saying "peace and security”? ANSWER: According to the Watchtower the nations of the world, including religious leaders, will be saying “peace and security” immediately before the great tribulation begins. The “sudden destruction” that comes upon them pertains to Babylon the Great. (How This World Will Come to an End) However, the Watchtower’s understanding of Bible prophecy is badly ...
When will they be saying "peace and security"?
QUESTION: Having read your website since 2010, now I can grasp the real meaning of prophecies. It is said at Daniel:11:41: “He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand: Edom and Moab and the main part of the Ammonites.” I understand that the land of the Decoration =  Christian Congregation, and from your ...
Will Christendom survive the end of the Watchtower?
QUESTION: Daniel 11:37 states:“He will show no regard for the God of his fathers.” Does that mean that Jehovah was the God of the forefathers of the King of North, because here it is mentioned with a capital “G” for God? Or, is it because the King of North is a group of world financiers who are Jewish in origin, whose God was also Jehovah? Please Explain this.  To fully appreciate the long-running struggle ...
King of the North Will Show No Regard...
QUESTION: In the Transfiguration, how can it be that Jesus is conversing with Moses and Elijah? Is it a vision? Or is it symbolic of something? If so, please explain how that's the case. I was having a debate about how no one can have ascended to heaven and I had this pulled on me. Granted, they were on a mountain and not in heaven, but still they were alive and conversing, which is ...
QUESTION: Why does the Watchtower teach that the resurrection takes place during the 1,000-year reign of Christ, when Revelation 20:5 says it takes place after the 1,000 years have ended?  ANSWER: Actually, the verse in question is not referring to the timing of the resurrection. The passage is contrasting the fundamental difference between the first resurrection and the second resurrection. Here is the context:  “And I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were ...
When will the dead come to life?
QUESTION: My question to you is about the timing of Christ’s parousia. According to Matt 24:29 “Immediately after the Tribulation”… Verse 30 next states “Then you will see the SIGN of the sun of man”. Here appears the word – “Then.” I believe the Greek word Tote’, indicates the timing is following the tribulation. But also answers the question of the apostles back in verse 3… “What will be the SIGN of your presence”.  ...
What is the sign of Christ's presence?
QUESTION: Our Bible reading this week references Exodus 36:6,7. Proverbs 30:15 talks about those that have not said "enough." In view of the latest move of the Society on collections, is there anything in prophecy that addresses this situation?  ____________________________________________________ ANSWER: The account in Exodus concerns the occasion when Moses made an announcement to the Israelites, requesting that they not bring in any more contributions for the tabernacle construction project Jehovah had ordered. The account says ...
Will the Watchtower ever say: 'Enough'?
For decades, it has been obvious to me and many others that when Jesus spoke of those who will be resurrected, saying they will be as angels- not marrying- he spoke of those who will experience the first resurrection and not the masses who will receive an earthly resurrection. The Watchtower has stubbornly insisted otherwise, defying all common sense. It seemed to me that they were deliberately torturing those who had lost mates and ...
At last, the Watchtower comes around...sort of
QUESTION: In view of your latest article on the new world order, how does Revelation 13:11-16 fit in?  ANSWER: Revelation 13:11-17 states: “Then I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first wild beast, ...
What is the meaning of the beast rising from the earth?
QUESTION: How is it possible that nuclear bombs could rain down on cities around the world? I would imagine, for example, that there are tens of thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses living in New York City alone, who claim to be of the great crowd, how could any of these people come out alive if New York city is taken out by a nuke? The book of Revelation says a great crowd comes out of ...
In the event of nuclear war, what about the great crowd?
QUESTION: Since learning the falsehood concerning 1914 and what the Bible has to say about it, that "many will be stumbled" – I am wondering, is there any indication in Scripture of how large of a number of JW's will be stumbled to the point of not being able to leave behind the doctrine? ANSWER: Jesus said “many,” so that means a significant number. If history is any indication we can look back to ...
How many will be stumbled?
QUESTION: You have mentioned numerous times that Jehovah’s Witnesses are under “an operation of error” concerning the last days and that Jehovah has allowed this to happen to His people as a test. That sounds very plausible; however, where does that leave yourself and the many others that have not been fooled by this? If we aren't under this influence then does that mean we're not Jehovah’s people?  ANSWER: The “deluding influence,” as the ...
What about those who do not believe 1914?
QUESTION: In relation to the following passage of scripture: “While he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”  What will be the sign of Jesus Christ's presence? b. Will we living today see the conclusion of the system of things? ANSWER: The sign of ...
What and When is the Parousia and Conclusion?
 QUESTION: Is it true that the star that led the astrologers to Jesus was from Satan in order to kill Jesus? ANSWER: Yes. It is true. Here are some reasons why we ought to accept it as truth. When Jesus was born an angel, accompanied by a choir of angels hovering in mid-heaven, announced the birth to some lowly shepherds who were watching over their flocks in the night. The angels gave the Israelite ...
Was the star that led the magi to the infant Jesus from Satan or God?
A reader/viewer asks how to reconcile the fact that the Old Testament shows that God performed many violent acts and is given to jealousy. My response is in the form of a YouTube video ...
Jehovah - A Violent and Jealous God
 QUESTION: Revelation 9:3-5 concerning the locusts, if I understand you correctly they are the anointed remnant after having received the seal of God. They are told not to harm the vegetation of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree. Are we to take that literally or is it referring to those who will make up the great crowd that won't be harmed? Further, if the locusts are indeed the remnant, are they ...
Concerning the "green vegetation" of the Apocalypse
QUESTION: Since the Watchtower has not given a new explanation to the parable of the virgins and the talents in Matthew 25, can you please explain it to me? Especially the part that says: ''The foolish said to the discreet, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are about to go out.’   The discreet answered, saying: ‘Perhaps there may not be enough for both us and you. Go instead to those who sell ...
The Wise and Foolish Virgins
QUESTION: In your understanding of the wheat and weeds parable at matt 13, does the wheat only represent "anointed" Christians or all Christians? I know the WT always says its just anointed, but it seems more fitting that it would be all. Comparing what you have written on the topic if the weeds are being separated from the kingdom, if it was just representing anointed Christians how many weeds or impostor anointed would there ...
What about the wheat and weeds in Jesus' illustration?
QUESTION: With the recent troubles in Ukraine and the Russian invasion of Crimea, is it possible that Russia is reemerging as the king of the north, as the Watchtower suggested might happen? ANSWER: Bluntly, no. And the reason Russia is not “reemerging” is because Germany and the Soviet Union never were the king of the north. It can be fairly easily demonstrated that the Watchtower’s interpretation of the prophecy of the kings of the ...
Is Russia reemerging as the King of the North?
In the Reasoning from the Scriptures book, page 341, a question is asked: - Do the events associated with Christ’s presence take place in a very brief time or over a period of years? But the answers given in that book are not quite satisfactory. And after reading the articles from your website I understand the parousia is a short period of time.  Which is correct? However, when I explained it to one of my ...
How is the parousia like the days of Noah?
QUESTION: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of ...
When does Jesus become king?
QUESTION:  In 1Cor. 15 (29) Can you tell me what this verse means?  Mormons often cite this as authority for their practice of baptism for the dead.  What does "for the purpose of being dead ones" mean?  How could one have a purpose of being dead?  It is quite confusing for me.  ANSWER: The verse in question reads: “Otherwise, what will they do who are being baptized for the purpose of being dead ones? ...
baptism for the dead
1 Cor. 15 (24 & 25) Can you explain what this means? It appears that Jesus has an end to his reign as King, yet other places in the Bible indicate there would be no end.  I cannot dissect the true meaning.  Your comments would be helpful. ANSWER: When God prepared the earth during his six creative days and then finished his work with the creation of Adam and Eve, it was God’s intention ...
If Jesus hands over the kingdom how can he rule forever?
QUESTION: You often mention how the bankers, or those controlling the bankers, I guess, control the system through financial and economic means. In light of this, what is your take on Bitcoin, which is not controlled by any government? Just some background, Bitcoin is a purely electronic currency, that is gaining popularity, and even now being accepted in brick and mortar stores as well as online stores. Those who created the protocols for this ...
What about Bitcoins?
QUESTION:  In your book Jehovah Himself Has Become King, in the chapter on Revelation, you wrote: "Contrary to presently prevailing assumptions, Jehovah’s Witnesses have not gotten out of Babylon the Great. That is because Jehovah’s Witnesses have not even gone into exile yet! Babylon the Great is yet to conquer Jehovah’s people. That will come about as a result of the king of the north moving into the land of the Decoration. Just as when Nebuchadnezzar’s ...
arch bishop of Canterbury
An angel told Jacob wen he was going to Haran that he was the true God saying "I am the true God of Bethel..." Is this not self-exaltation on the part of the angel? Genesis 31:11-13 The account may be read here.   Angels are authorized to speak in behalf of God. In fact, the Hebrew word for angel is synonymous with "messenger." And in the account cited the angel was obviously representing God, not himself.  ...
Why did an angel claim to be God?
QUESTION: On page 46 (Chapter 3 The Harvest) of Jehovah himself Has Become King, you state: "The opening of the sixth seal INITIATES earth-shaking events associated with what Christ called a GREAT TRIBULATION". (My emphasis) If the opening of the sixth seal initiates the great tribulation, what exactly is initiated by the previous five seals? Elsewhere in your book (Chapter 6 The Sign and Chapter 25, page 482), you seem to also associate the first five ...
What takes place with the unsealing of the Apocalypse?
QUESTION: Is the resurrection of anointed, both those who have died and those who are still alive, take place at the same time during Christ's presence? The word "together" recorded at 1 Thes 4:17 can literally be translated as "at the same time". The Greek word "Hama" is translated several times as "At the same time". Also 1 Cor 15:52 calls it the last trumpet indicating there is not another trumpet blast, so there is ...
Question about the rapture
QUESTION: I believe its more than possible that the United States is in fact the king of the north and that its death stroke will be when it plants its tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of decoration. There's only been one mountain considered holy, and that is Mount Sinai. The prophet Daniel says that Egypt and would not be an escape and that Ethiopia and Libya would be in or ...
Thoughts on the king of the north...
QUESTION: About the big announcement, the special day - yearly meeting. Yes, it is a new Bible. Revised Edition 2013. You can download it from the official website. Looks pretty good, very helpful and well done. Now for the question: What are your thoughts on this new printing and how should it help the preaching work from door to door? ANSWER: I downloaded the JW Library - as it is officially called in the app store - onto my iPad ...
Question on the new JW Bible
QUESTION: I am writing to you again in relation to a trend that has been developing for quite a few years among Jehovah’s Witnesses. It's about the ever increasing number of partakers. How do you explain this phenomenon? This question comes in the context of the appearance of websites run by Jehovah's Witnesses who teach that all Christians are in fact sons of God and should partake at Memorial and entertain the hope of the heavenly life. ANSWER: Anyone who ...
How do you explain the increase in "partakers"?
QUESTION: Since I have learned that Jesus has not appointed the slave yet and it is for a future time; I have being wondering who actually is feeding us now? Was Br. Russell actually used by Jehovah? I actually like to think so... because the doctrines are accurate. But, when he died did Satan use Br. Rutherford and contaminate the spiritual food? I am confused. Hope you can understand my question because English is not my language. ANSWER: You ...
Appointment of the slave
QUESTION: You have mentioned that “the City of Tearing Down” is New York City, but is it possible that it may be London, as it also has become a place which is the financial capital of the world, as well as over 300 different languages are spoken there as well as the inheritor of the Roman Empire mantle? ...
Is London the prophetic City of Tearing Down?
 QUESTION: Hello, I have a question that has come up since Jehovah’s Witnesses have decided that the fall of Babylon the Great is in the future (as it is). Just after she falls verse 4 of Revelation 18 says: “Get out of her, MY PEOPLE if you do not want to share with her in her sins and do not want to receive part of her plagues.”Does that not sound like a whole lot ...
How do "my people" get out of Babylon the Great?
QUESTION: I've noted that you agree with the current understanding that all anointed ones must die, (as derived from the interpretation of Romans 6:3-5; & 1 Corinthians 15:35, 36, 44 provided in the Reasoning book p.312 par. 2.) However, this appears to contradict Paul’s words at 1 Corinthians 15:52, and 1 Thessalonians 4:17* (*footnote). Hence, I need answers to the following questions in order to make sense of that interpretation ...
Is God able to transfer one at death?
 Question: If the horsemen haven't yet ridden in quick succession after the opening of the second seal, do you think the white rider can be simply governments who go off to 'conquest' which leads the rides of the other horsemen? Or do you think that the white horsemen can still apply to future coming of Jesus when he manifests himself in the future? If he did ride as a conqueror in 1914....what did that ...
Is Jesus the rider of the white horse?
 Was Jesus talking specifically about his own followers at Matthew 24:9-14? ...
The coming implosion of the Watchtower (archive 2005)
QUESTION: Do you think there will be another world war, and if so, is it prophesied in the Bible?______________________________________________ANSWER: Yes. There is definitely going to be another world war – consider it to be the last of a three-part series that began in 1914. Jehovah’s Witnesses have been deluded by the Watchtower into imagining that virtually all prophecy (except for a few trifling details) were fulfilled in the 1914-1919 period and that there cannot ...
Will there be another world war?
What does 1 Corinthians 10:13 mean?______________________________________________That verse reads: “No temptation has taken you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it.” In context Paul pointed out that the Israelites fell into temptation and incurred God’s displeasure in ...
What does 1 Corinthians 13:10 mean?
COMMENT: In the first article covering the July 2013 Watchtower, study edition, you pose the question, “Why is it disingenuous to imply that Jesus and the first century disciples did not consider the temple to be a holy place?” I've asked a few people about this, and finally got an answer that really made a lot of sense ...
Comment on the WT's teaching on the "Holy Place"
QUESTION: A friend of mine has been talking to me about his faith and church, Jehovah’s Witnesses. I am trying to understand some of the things he is saying. In my research I came across a YouTube video of yours and you seem to have a lot of knowledge. I asked him this question but have not received an answer.Perhaps you can tell me. When did the name Jehovah come into existence? ...
When did the name "Jehovah" come into existence?
QUESTION: Long story short, I was DF'd a long time ago, learned the real truth from you, thanks to Jehovah. Decided to return to be there when TSHTF for my brothers. Submitted letter 7 months ago and was told they'd be in touch. After a couple months I became disheartened; either didn't or couldn't make the meetings, so I don't go so much. Still no contact. My only concern is since it wasn't because ...
Should I try harder to be reinstated?
QUESTION: What is your comment on the Society's strong admonition against higher education? I and my wife feel very uncomfortable when this topic is brought into discussion during public talks, WT study or other occasions (conventions, even private talks). It is as if the WTS is permanently pointing fingers at us, as if we were less spiritual than the other less educated. On the other hand, the fruit of the lack of secular education is easily noticeable ...
The Watchtower's stance against higher education?
QUESTION: Robert, How can active Jehovah's Witnesses who read and agree with your conclusion on 1914, and all the other truths you bring to light, go and preach 1914, or how could you preach this to a new Bible study?  It seems that active JW's would have great difficulty pretending to go along with direction from the Watchtower, if they believed in their heart that it was false. So, what do you do now ...
How can active Jehovah's Witnesses deal with 1914?
QUESTION: Some time ago I wrote to you asking you to give me your understanding in connection with Zechariah, chapter 14. I didn’t get yet any answer from you. Now, I would like to let you know that behind this question there is a point. Jehovah’s Witnesses take this prophecy as a base for their 1914 doctrine. Furthermore, I am wondering how is it possible that 99% of the anointed ones accept this 1914 ...
How can Jehovah's Witnesses be so blind and still be...?
QUESTION: I'm an active JW, for about 37 years now and ex-elder that has a lengthy story to tell, and now find myself at the crossroads to where I can't even use anything but the Bible in the ministry, with possibly parts of the “Reasoning” book. The meetings are a struggle, now that I'm fully awake concerning the “operation of error” present in the WTBS, and the lingering pagan and occult symbols left over ...
Where do I go from here?
QUESTION: You call yourself a “watchman,” and on several occasions have (rightly) rejected the title of “prophet..” Why is it, that (at least as of yet) there have been no prophets raised up in modern times to prophesy against the modern-day Jerusalem (i.e., Bethel). The pattern Jehovah set up in the past was to raise up prophets even up to the point of the collapse of his own nation. For example, even though warnings ...
Will God raise up a prophet in our day?
QUESTION: I've noticed on the Internet that many brothers and sisters fall prey to protestant views concerning the resurrection of the remnant of the 144000. Basically, they promote the "rapture" doctrine, which says the last ones of Christ's body are taken to heaven without having to die first. They base their conclusion on a literal interpretation of Paul's words "we shall not all fall asleep in death, but we shall all be changed" (1 ...
What about the rapture?
QUESTION: I again appeal to you for help in clarifying a paramount aspect of Christ’s parousia, which, according to our brothers in Bethel, supposedly is invisible. To support their doctrine of an invisible parousia, they say clouds in scripture generally represent invisibility. Although on certain occasions that may be true, when in reference to Jehovah’s day, clouds are more often than not associated with darkness, terror, unrest etc. What is your opinion on this ...
If clouds symbolize invisibility, then what about...
QUESTION: Do you think comet ISON anagram sion = Zion = Antichrist rule is Pagan celestial event marking the eighth kings rule and the great tribulation with a blood moon and dark sun?   ANSWER: No. You ought not listen to empty-headed talkers who pretend to know Bible prophecy. This kind of stuff comes from the same clueless wanna-be preachers and con men that don’t know a father from a son and depict God as Molech on ...
Is comet ISON a sign of the end?
Comment: You make mention of the Society covering up child abuse, the fact is, in Corinth the congregation was in a poor state spiritually, including sexual immorality. It is likely the elders in that congregation were part of a cover up. In Revelation it mentions 7 letters & seven lampstands meaning the world wide congregation. Not all of the words in the seven letters were complimentary. When we leave after our meeting to go ...
Response to email comment...
QUESTION: Is it possible that the UN is not actually the wild beast? Is it possible that Anonymous could fulfill its role? If not, is Anonymous to play any significant role in the time of the end? ...
Is it possible the UN is not the wild beast?
QUESTION: Jesus did say that we would be judged on how we treat “his” brothers: Those anointed sons of the kingdom. I presume that means after the “revealing” which has not occurred as of yet. At present the faithful, along with the unfaithful, slaves are serving in the organization and depend on donations for their sustenance. And even though most of that money is ill spent, some does make its way to helping the ...
Should Jehovah's Witnesses be concerned about donating to the WatchTower?
QUESTION: If 1914 was not a pivotal date regarding the coming of the Kingdom (and I don't believe it was), then why would there be any "sealing" of the number of the holy ones as we were/are led to believe happened in or from 1935, this seeming to come about due to the fact that there was more than the 144,000 JW's at the time and there couldn't be more, so it was thought ...
If 1914 is wrong what about the sealing and the great crowd?
QUESTION: How can the Moabites become a concealment place for the dispersed ones of Gods people in the time of the end? Isn't that saying somehow Babylon or Christendom will somehow help us…perhaps....just individuals? But how can they do this when we are being disciplined by Jah as his people? I'm not sure I understand this point. ANSWER: Here is a passage in the 16th chapter of Isaiah upon which the questioner's query is based: “Bring in counsel, you ...
The prophetic significance of Moab
Question from a reader in Romania: Jehovah’s Witnesses base their 1914 doctrine on the prophecy found in Daniel 4:10-17.  Could you please give me the correct meaning of this prophecy according to your understanding? ANSWER: The prophecy centers on King Nebuchadnezzar. In fact, he was the one whom God caused to have the dream, which Daniel was inspired to interpret and record for us. The dream involved an gigantic tree that Nebuchadnezzar described thusly: “Now the visions of my head upon my ...
The meaning of the 7 times of Nebuchadnezzar's madness?
QUESTION: If 1914 is not valid, what accounts for the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses? ANSWER: When Jesus was on earth he personally undertook and also organized and directed an extensive preaching campaign. His message was simple: ‘Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near!’ That was the message Jesus instructed his disciples to preach. But in what sense had the kingdom drawn near 2,000 years ago? Well, as a son of David Jesus ...
What about the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses?
QUESTION: My question is in relation to Jesus' parables about keeping on the watch (faithful slave, talents, virgins, etc) The WTS has been insisting for more than a century on the important role of the GB as fulfilling the parable of the FDS. Upon a careful analysis of all these parables I came to the conclusion that they most likely DO NOT HAVE PROPHETIC SIGNIFICANCE, but were given as mere lessons of watchfulness. In every ...
Do the parables have prophetic significance?
QUESTION: Could it be that the disgusting thing standing in a holy place is the group of men being lawless, the Governing Body? So we should flee? Now? Judgment day is here, I think. ANSWER: Jesus foretold that when the disgusting things stands where it ought not that it would occur during the world’s worst time of trouble in history, otherwise known as the great tribulation. In the first century, the disgusting thing took the form ...
Is the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses the disgusting thing?
QUESTION: With the upcoming financial collapse, what are we really supposed to do? I have a wife and a 8 week old son at home, so I'm obviously concerned with their well being. Of course, ultimately it is Jehovah who will save and protect those that call upon his name and do his will, but is there anything we can do in order to sustain our family? Should I withdraw all my savings and ...
Should Jehovah's Witnesses prepare for financial collapse?
QUESTION: Do we need to be re-baptized if we were immersed under the Watchtower’s rules and the outright idolatry we engaged in by answering those two baptism questions? ...
Do Jehovah's Witnesses need to be re-baptized?
QUESTION: The Bible says Jehovah destroyed the world with the flood and that Noah and his family were commanded by Him to build an ark. God also told him to bring a pair of animals. If that Ark is the size of football field (so as to speak), how many pairs of animals does it hold? Yes, only the land animals in that ark, and also for argument sake we can tell that all ...
Noah's Ark and the each pair of animals
QUESTION: When Jesus died there was a massive earthquake as described in Matthew 27. It says that the dead bodies of holy ones were raised up and many saw them. Was this an actual resurrection of those holy ones or just their graves and dead bodies exposed by the effect of the earthquake? If it was a resurrection does it signify anything in the future? ...
What about the earthquake that raised the dead?
I would be interested to know how you understand Revelation 6:2, since this Scripture is frequently used by the brothers to support the 1914 coronation. There, the Bible says Jesus received a crown and a bow to start his conquest. Since the crown stands for royalty and a bow is a long distance weapon, does not this demonstrate that Christ receives the kingdom in 1914 and fights from a distance (from heaven) against his ...
Has Jesus been given his crown and bow?
QUESTION: Should we now move away from the 'Society,' i.e. meetings, 'Get out of her my people.... ?' But doesn't the Bible say not forsake the gathering of yourselves together and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near, etc.? And what do we do about the memorial of Christ’s Death? I can see that you are speaking the truth when you say about the Man of Lawlessness, surely standing in ...
Should we now move away from the Society?
QUESTION: I like your website and find it really interesting . I agree with many points you make, as it explains loads of the Watchtower's contradictions regarding their explanation of Bible prophecies. I agree that Jehovah Witnesses do the preaching work and proclaim good news as described in Bible, and generally JW’s have the truth. As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, however, I disagree with their past and recent explanations of Bible prophecy. And the ...
Should Jehovah's Witnesses stay or leave?
QUESTION: Does the Watchtower have its own unique criteria for 'apostate'? As far I know from the Scriptures the criteria for apostasy is one who teaches a false gospel, but with the Watchtower this seems to extend to a broader meaning with which one can be classed as an apostate for merely disagreeing with their interpretation of scripture ...
Does the Watchtower have its own criteria for what is apostasy?
QUESTION: Is it possible for World War Three to break out before “they are saying: ‘peace and security!’” according to 1Thessalonians 5:3? ...
Could WWIII begin before they are saying 'peace and security'?
QUESTION: I have a question that you can probably help out with. The Bible says that God is love. It also says that love is never jealous. If both those statements are true, then God can never be jealous. The problem is, of course, that the Bible clearly indicates that Jehovah is a jealous God. How are these three seemingly contradictory concepts to be reconciled with one another? ...
If love is not jealous, and God is love, why is God jealous?
QUESTION: I just have a question on how demons can affect human beings. What is the difference between Satan's influence and demon possession? Can a demon completely takeover a human being's mind? If so, does it happen at human's will? This is mind boggling for me, your thoughts will be much appreciated ...
Demon possession
QUESTION: Why do you think Jehovah didn't want much done in the East? Does it involve today? ...
Why no Christian presence in the East?
Question: I was reading your article on the Governing Body changing their view on when it is the faithful slave is appointed over all the master’s belongings. I could not buy this teaching and never got baptized, even though so much else made sense. Here is my question: You see the Governing Body as being destroyed before the fall of Babylon the great. First question - Is there any hope that they will completely ...
Any hope that the Watchtower will reform itself?
QUESTION: Is the act of masturbation a sin? Humans have engaged in this act for a very long time, far predating Christianity. Considering this was an ongoing practice before, during and after the OT and NT were written, then surely if Jehovah did consider it a sinful act he would have included it in his word somewhere. As far as I can see it is nowhere to be found; leading me to believe that ...
Is masturbation a sin?
QUESTION: Who will Jehovah let survive Armageddon? And is Armageddon going start out a global war among the nations, such as nuclear war? ...
Who will survive Armageddon, and will it be a nuclear war?
QUESTION: I was baptized in my early teens but left the truth. I recently lost a loved one and the hope that they might come back in the resurrection helped me in some ways. I would love to see them again, but my lifestyle isn't God’s way and I don't feel worthy asking for forgiveness, as I've done so many wrong and bad things and that makes me feel so sad. I don't know ...
What help is there for the lost and unworthy?
QUESTION: The Israelites communicated to Jehovah via a theocracy. As Christians we now pray to him through Jesus, but still require faith that our prayers are heard. Is there any basis in the Bible to believe that those living on Earth in the new system we will be able to communicate individually with Jesus and Jehovah? ...
Will we be able to talk with God someday?
QUESTION: On some of your videos and podcasts you mention Jehovah will ultimately destroy the current regime that is the Watchtower. I'm interested how you imagine this will take place. Will it be through the holy spirit, invisibly, or will he take more physical intervention? I hope you can shed some insight into this question ...
How will the end come for the Watchtower?
QUESTION: Please give me a detailed summary of how the end will begin and end ...
A Detailed Summary of the Time of the End
QUESTION: As we are aware, your main objections that led you to leave the "theocratic" side of the truth and take up the role of a Watchman sounding the alarm, were 1) The Whole NGO partnership malarkey. 2) The fact you don't support the 1914 doctrine. Granted you've mentioned before that you couldn't possibly go back at the present time, but if the whole 1914 thing was shredded and they came clean with the ...
Will you come back if the Watchtower changes?
How close are we...?
QUESTION: Under what scenario will the Watchtower Society come under attack from the Eighth King? The Watchtower is not a threat, is it? Feel free to speculate. I know it will happen because Jehovah said that is how it will go down. In any event, we will have to wait and see ...
How will Jehovah's Witnesses come under attack?
QUESTION: In your Article "the visible Presence of Christ", page 2, you say that according to 1 Thess. 4:15-17 "the living, who subsequently die "during his presence" will be resurrected. But isn't it so that Paul was speaking of those who are surviving? Why do you say that they have to die? The apostle says "we the living who are surviving" will be caught away in the Clouds. I think that not all have ...
Not all will die, will they?
QUESTION: Why do the Witnesses believe that ONLY those who are part of the organization will be the ones who make it through Armageddon? Do you believe that one must be a part of the organization in order to make it through Armageddon? A recent WT stated that ONLY the incorrigibly wicked would be destroyed. Are the Witnesses the only ones who fall into that category? ...
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only ...?
QUESTION: Throughout your website you mention that the preaching work presently undertaken by JW's is just a prelude to the much larger work that will be done just before the end comes (Matt 24:14). How exactly will this preaching work look, and who/what will carry it out? Who will respond to it? ...
The Final Witness - How Will People Respond?

Share with a wise person, and he will become wiser. Teach someone righteous, and he will add to his learning. – Proverbs 9:9