Question #31: If the Holy Spirit is only Jehovah’s active force, why does the Holy Spirit speak and use the pronouns “I” and “me” about himself in places like Acts 13:2 and Hebrews 3:7-11?
It is a literary device called personification. Various things are personified in the Bible. For example, the 8th chapter of Proverbs personifies wisdom. In the 5th chapter of Romans Paul refers to death as a king who has ruled over mankind since Adam and Eve first sinned. Israel is referred to as God’s woman —his wife. The congregation of Christ is pictured as his bride, etc.
It is especially appropriate for the spirit to be personified since it only acts in behalf of the person of God. It speaks for God –projects his thoughts and will. Jesus referred to the spirit as God’s “finger.” In other words, it is an extension of himself —the means by which God accomplishes his work.
Just because Trinitarians capitalize Holy Spirit does not make it a proper name. God’s spirit, although at times is personified, is more often spoken of as a force emanating from God. In fact, it is spoken of as belonging to God —God’s spirit. For example, in the 31st chapter of Exodus we read: “I will fill him with the spirit of God, giving him wisdom, understanding, and knowledge of every kind of craftsmanship…”
If the holy spirit were another person why would God refer to it as “the spirit of God”? Is not God also a spirit? He surely is. Jesus once told a certain Samaritan woman very simply that “God is a spirit.”
Question #32: If the Holy Spirit is an impersonal active force, how can it be blasphemed (Matt. 12:31)? How can it be grieved (Eph. 4:30)? How can it have a will (1 Cor. 12:11)? How can it come to know something (1 Cor. 2:11)? How can it teach and cause someone to remember (John 14:26)? How can it tell someone what to do (Acts 8:29; 13:2)? How can it plead for us (Rom. 8:26)?
The only connection between God, the Great Spirit, and man, is God’s spirit. Obviously, God resides in the spirit dimension. A world inaccessible by humans. Jehovah cannot directly interact with humans. And that’s a good thing. We would literally be blown away. So, when God manifests himself in the physical realm it is by means of his spirit.
For example, when the holy spirit began to be used to anoint Christians in the first century it was accompanied with an obvious display of divine backing. On the day of Pentecost tongues of fire hovered over the heads of 120 disciples of Jesus. The spirit also impelled them to begin speaking intelligibly in foreign languages they previously had not known.
Two persons who were anointed at that time were Ananias and his wife Sapphira. They clearly saw the evidence of God’s presence among them and the operation of the spirit upon themselves. In spite of that they allowed Satan to tempt them into denying the work of the spirit by secretly holding back part of their funds which they pretended to donate in full. They imagined the spirit could not detect their deviousness. As a result the spirit moved the apostle Peter to pronounce death upon them both. In doing so the apostle said they had lied to the holy spirit. In other words, they blasphemed the spirit that they had seen in operation upon themselves and other Christians.
That the holy spirit is under the direction of Jehovah God and does not act as some free-wheeling third person of a triune is evident in hundreds of ways. Consider what is stated in the 104th Psalm: “If you send out your spirit, they are created, and you renew the surface of the ground. The glory of Jehovah will last forever. Jehovah will rejoice in his works.”
If the imaginary third person of the trinity is his own God, why then is “he” under command of Jehovah God? Why, for example, do we not read that the Holy Spirit orders Jehovah around and sends Jehovah out to accomplish tasks? The answer is simple. But to accept the simple truth requires an honesty of heart that trinitarians simply do not possess.
Question #33: The Watchtower claims that the Holy Spirit is like electricity and fire and therefore not alive. Since this is the case, shouldn’t you also believe that Jehovah is not alive since he is also a Spirit (John 4:24, 2 Corinthians 3:17) and he is described as “a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:29)?
Rather than give up their lie that God and Christ and the Holy Spirit comprise an incomprehensible conglomeration of three gods in one, apparently trinitarian cultists would prefer to declare Jehovah to be non-existent. And for a fact, that is the underlying intent.
As already explained, the spirit is an extension of God. Jehovah is called the Living God. No one possesses life that did not originate with the Living One. Because Jehovah is the source of life he can give life. And he does so by means of his spirit. It is the spirit which God breathed into the nostrils of the first man, which animated him into becoming a living soul. The spirit can also make us alive spiritually. God’s spirit can re-animate the dead, what is called a resurrection. So, while the spirit itself is not a living person, it is the power of the Ever-living God and can impart life from him.
Question #34: In Acts 5:3-4, we can see that in verse 3 Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit but then in verse 4 it says Ananias lied to God. Ignoring the direct correlation between God and the Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit is not a person and is just God’s active force, how can it even be lied to?
As already explained, the holy spirit is the connection between God and man. The spirit speaks for God. So, when two anointed Christians acted contrary to the undeniable manifestation of God’s presence in their midst via the holy spirit, it was as if Ananias and Sapphire lied to God’s face.
Question #35: How do you explain the direct correlation made between the Holy Spirit and Jehovah made at Acts 28:25-27 and Isaiah 6:9-10? There is even a cross reference between the two passages in your own Bible. In Acts it says the Holy Spirit spoke, but in Isaiah it says Jehovah spoke.
Trinitarians read the Bible, not to comprehend the truth, but to seek a lie. They scour the Scriptures to stitch together bits and pieces of scattered verses to deny Jehovah and his true relationship with Jesus. Trinitarians will go to any length to glorify Babylon’s mystical triad. The simple truth alludes them for the reason that they are the modern counterpart of the Jews of Jesus’ day. The Jews saw the clear evidence of God’s spirit in action, through Jesus. They saw Christ heal lame and maimed people. They heard the reports circulating that he even opened the eyes of the blind and raised the dead. They were unmoved.
Instead of accepting Jesus as the one sent by God they accused him of using witchcraft to deceive the people. In doing so they blasphemed the holy spirit that Jesus was using to accomplish God’s work. As Jesus said of them they were from their father, the Devil. They wanted to do the work of Satan, not Jehovah.
Trinitarians display the same spirit. They hate the truth. Has there ever been a war in which trinitarians did not participate and slaughter their fellowman? I challenge a trinitarian to name one.
Take John Calvin for example, considered to be one of the great “reformers.” He had fled persecution in France and went to Switzerland. But when Michael Servetus fled Catholic persecution in Spain and arrived in Switzerland too, and spoke of his conviction that the trinity was false, Calvin betrayed him and watched as Servetus was burned at the stake.
Truly, as the apostle John stated, that is how you distinguish the sons of God from the sons of the wicked one. The sons of the wicked one are murderers.
Question #36: How do you explain the direct correlation made between the Holy Spirit and Jehovah made at Hebrews 3:7-11 and Psalms 95:7-11? There are multiple footnotes between the two passages in the NWT. In Hebrews it says the Holy Spirit spoke, but in Psalms it says Jehovah spoke.
As should be evident, trinitarians simply cannot accept the simple truth that God uses his spirit to accomplish his will; be it creation, destroying his enemies, conveying messages and dreams and anointing those whom he adopts.
Question #37: Why is blaspheming the Holy Spirit the only unforgivable sin according to the Bible (Mark 3:29)? We can blaspheme Jehovah and do all types of evil, but be forgiven. However, if we blaspheme an un-living thing similar to fire, we will never be forgiven, right?
As has already been pointed out, the holy spirit accomplishes God’s work. When that work is obvious and not subtle, such as when Christ performed healings and resurrections, and when the holy spirit caused Jesus’ disciples to speak in tongues, then denying that manifestation is considered blasphemy against the holy spirit. It is unforgivable because it is simply inexcusable. Whereas, a person who is ignorant may speak against Jehovah and Christ, their blasphemy is forgivable because they speak in ignorance. Not so when persons see the undeniable activity of God and yet deny its source.