WT Review

Collection of essays examining Watchtower Magazine articles.

Be stunned and amazed; blind yourselves and be blinded

Part Two This is a continuation of the consideration of the Watchtower article entitled: What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments? 2 Jehovah continues to help us to have a clearer understanding of the major events that lie just ahead. (Prov. 4:18; Dan. 2:28) We can be certain that by the time the great tribulation starts, we will know all we need to know in order to endure [...]

2025-01-10T07:41:12-05:00February 29th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments?

What do we know about Jehovah’s future judgments? That is the question posed in the May 2024, Watchtower Magazine, which is an edited version of what was presented at last year’s Annual Meeting. And this is my response to it. The first paragraph jumps right in, so let’s consider it and do some unpacking, as it were. WE ARE living in exciting times! Each day, Bible [...]

2024-02-29T13:59:24-05:00February 28th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

The fraud of the Watchtower’s spiritual paradise

Continuing with the review of the article appearing in the April 2024 Watchtower entitled Never Leave Spiritual Paradise. 7 Happy and content. God’s people can “shout joyfully” because their heart overflows with appreciation. (Read Isaiah 65:14.) The upbuilding truths and comforting promises in God’s Word and our solid hope based on Christ’s ransom sacrifice give us a “good condition of the heart.” Talking about these things [...]

2024-11-06T05:07:33-05:00February 13th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Spiritual paradise or famine?

This post is part three of a review of the Watchtower’s article on spiritual paradise. (Click here for part one. And here for part two) The article lists five bullet points as proof that Jehovah’s Witnesses are in spiritual paradise. Let us consider the first one. Paragraph five states: 5 Healthy and refreshed. Isaiah’s prophecy draws a vivid contrast between what life is like for those inside [...]

2024-01-30T15:30:57-05:00January 30th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Animalistic men in spiritual paradise?

This post is part two of a review of the Watchtower’s article on spiritual paradise. (Click here for part one) Spiritual paradise once really existed, at least for a short while. It existed in the literal paradise called the Garden of Eden. There were only two people who lived in the paradise park. It was a spiritual paradise because the two humans who lived there had [...]

2024-01-30T15:23:06-05:00January 27th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Seven women will grab hold of one man in that day

The April 2024 Watchtower Magazine carries an article entitled: “Never Leave Spiritual Paradise.” It is a topic I have discussed before. There is a chapter in the book Jehovah Himself Has Become King entitled: Spiritual Paradise, as well as related articles on e-watchman. So, rather than covering the same ground again, as does the Watchtower, let us more closely examine and reason upon the Scriptures offered [...]

2024-01-30T15:25:54-05:00January 25th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Will the Watchtower be your guide during the conclusion?

This post is a consideration of Watchtower Study article #8 for 2024, entitled: Keep Following Jehovah’s Guidance. In recent years the Watchtower has been subtly conditioning Jehovah’s Witnesses to expect to receive “life-saving instructions” when once the globe-rocking tribulation begins. This is not to imply that the Watchtower has not been used to accomplish the preaching and disciple-making work Christ mandated to be accomplished before [...]

2023-12-31T04:36:41-05:00December 29th, 2023|Categories: WT Review|

“Jehovah will reveal what we need to know”

This is the concluding part three of the consideration of the Learn from Bible Prophecy article. Paragraph 16 states: God’s people who live under the rule of “the king of the north” are enduring direct persecution by this king. Some Witnesses have been beaten and thrown into prison for their faith. Rather than intimidate our brothers, the actions of “the king of the north” build [...]

2023-05-29T15:37:48-04:00May 29th, 2023|Categories: WT Review|

The king of the north will prove successful

Part two Under the subheading How the kings of the North and South affect you, paragraph 15 states: Read Daniel 11:40. Daniel chapter 11 speaks of two kings, or political powers, who struggle with each other for world domination. By comparing this prophecy with others in the Bible, we can identify “the king of the north” as Russia and its allies and “the king of the south” as the Anglo-American [...]

2025-02-09T09:10:55-05:00May 26th, 2023|Categories: WT Review|

Learn from Bible prophecy

This article is in response to the August 2023 Watchtower article entitled Learn From Bible Prophecy. Paragraph three advises us to get a guide to help us understand Bible prophecy, saying: In a similar way, Jehovah knows where we are in the stream of time and what is on the road ahead of us. So to understand Bible prophecy, we must humbly ask for Jehovah’s help. [...]

2023-05-25T14:31:10-04:00May 25th, 2023|Categories: WT Review|
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