WT Review

Collection of essays examining Watchtower Magazine articles.

Learning from Jesus’ Final 40 Days on Earth

The Watchtower study article this week is entitled: Learning From Jesus’ Final 40 Days on Earth For as many years as the Watchtower has been around, it is puzzling how very little Jehovah’s Witnesses have learned from Jesus’ final 40 days on earth. For the past 10 years or so, the Watchtower has adopted a new approach to prophecy. Instead of trying to interpret it, they [...]

2024-12-17T13:58:29-05:00December 17th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other abandoned

This is the final installment of the three-part series examining the Watchtower article entitled: Are You Heeding the Warnings? The illustration of the slaves and the money entrusted to them is pretty straightforward. Jesus entrusted his affairs to his slaves, and upon his return, an accounting will be held with all. Two slaves were industrious and increased what had been entrusted to them. However, one slave [...]

2024-11-22T11:47:56-05:00November 22nd, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

“Here is the bridegroom! Go out to meet him.” (Part two)

This is part two of the consideration of the Watchtower article: Are you heeding the warning? Then the Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were discreet. For the foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them, whereas the discreet took oil in their flasks [...]

2025-01-21T10:22:31-05:00November 18th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Are you heeding the warnings? (Part One)

This is the first article considering the September 2024 Watchtower study article, "Are You Heeding the Warnings?" 1) WE LIVE in a climactic time! Soon, Jesus will judge every living person. Jesus described the time leading up to this judgment by giving his disciples a prophetic “sign” of his invisible presence and of “the conclusion of the system of things.” We certainly do live in climactic times, but [...]

2024-11-17T09:18:42-05:00November 17th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Will you recognize the truth?

This is a review of the Watchtower study article, Do You Recognize the Truth? Training ourselves to discern the difference between the truth we have learned from Jehovah and the falsehoods promoted by Satan and our opposers. First, I am not an opposer of the truth. I oppose those who pretend to be apostles and who disguise themselves as the faithful and discreet slave, a designation [...]

2024-09-23T08:33:07-04:00September 20th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

When is the hour of test coming upon the world?

This is the last article in the series examining the May, 2024 Watchtower. I am still trying to mentally process the Watchtower’s most recent “new light.” As stated in the previous article in this series, it is doubtful that Jehovah’s Witnesses will perceive that the Governing Body has repudiated everything it has ever taught regarding the urgency of getting out of Babylon the Great before God’s [...]

2024-04-06T08:38:47-04:00April 5th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Priest and prophet go astray because of alcohol

This is part six of the review of the May, 2024 Watchtower On his last sojourn to Jerusalem, Jesus stunned his apostles when he viewed the temple and said that no stone would be left standing upon a stone and not thrown down. After a few days, the apostles approached Jesus privately and asked for more details. They wanted to know when these things would befall [...]

2025-01-24T03:49:58-05:00March 28th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

When he is made manifest we will see him as he is

This is part five of the Watchtower Review series. Listed under the subheading Things We Do Know the paragraph states: 11 We do know several things about future events. For example, we know that at Armageddon, people will be dealt with on the basis of how they have treated Christ’s brothers. (Matt. 25:40) Those judged as sheep will have shown their support for the anointed and for [...]

2024-03-17T03:04:27-04:00March 10th, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Jehovah’s Future Judgments and 666

This is part four of the review of the May 2024 Watchtower article entitled: What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments? When Jesus was among his disciples he often spoke about his being raised up upon a stake and killed. His disciples, even his chosen apostles could not understand Jehovah’s future judgments at that time. The reason they could not is because they had preconceived [...]

2024-12-21T06:57:07-05:00March 2nd, 2024|Categories: WT Review|

Secrets You Have Not Known

Part Three: This is a continuation of the consideration of the Watchtower article entitled: What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments? There is a subheading in the article that states: WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW. Bluntly, what they admit to not knowing is insignificant compared to what they actually do not know. One could write a book about what Jehovah’s Witnesses do not know about [...]

2024-03-02T06:58:56-05:00March 1st, 2024|Categories: WT Review|
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