After the collapse of the USSR and the end of the Cold War, the Anglo-American establishment embarked upon a scheme for world domination.  Wesley Clark, a retired army general, revealed that the initial phase of the scheme involves taking out seven countries in five years. On the target list as of 2001 were Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, & Iran. Although seemingly behind schedule, it is evident that the plan is being followed by means of direct invasions and so-called “dirty war,” whereby terrorists are employed as the frontline soldiers.

Obviously, Iran poses the biggest challenge. But now that Russia has intervened militarily in Syria and drawn the proverbial line in the sand, the Anglo-American imperialists are going to have to escalate their efforts considerably or else scale back their hegemonic ambitions.

Given the NATO encirclement of Russia and the provocations of China in the South China Sea and the feverish military build-up, it is apparent that the hegemons have chosen to intensify. Just recently some 50 State Department diplomats petitioned President Obama to cross Putin’s line in the sand and go full-on and invade Syria. Most disconcerting, though, in contrast to the two previous world wars, all the major participants in today’s confrontation are nuclear powers.

The question is, after having embarked on such a grand plan as total world domination, ought we expect sensibleness to prevail among the Western rulers before the unthinkable occurs? After all, during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 the certain knowledge that a war between the USA and the USSR would result in mutually assured destruction (MAD) caused good sense to prevail.

Unfortunately reasonableness appears to be in short supply. As an example of the madness that now grips the war hawks, it has been announced that even a cyber attack on any NATO member may constitute grounds for launching all-out war on Russia.

For good reason some observers have compared the present rising tensions among global military powers to pre-June 1914. Because the nations of Europe were aligned in opposing alliances all it took was an assassin’s bullet to spark the war that became known as the First World War. With the great powers now posed for war anything, even an accident, can have irreversible consequences.

Given the present crises that grips the world the question posed in this Kingdom Bulletin is most relevant: What will World War Three mean for the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses? The significance of the question is underscored by the utter lack of any discernible awareness of the gravity of the situation on the part of Jehovah’s Witnesses in general, which, of course, is attributable to the complete silence on the part of Bethel.

How strange, though, given the fact that the Watchtower prides itself on having pinpointed 1914 as the year of the great upheaval. And for having called the end of World War Two during the thick of it in the “Peace Can It Last?” address. And all during the Cold War the Watchtower drew attention to the danger posed by the standoff of nuclear powers. So, is it untoward to ask, where is the voice of the vaunted watchman on the wall now, at this critical point in time?

Is the silence on the part of the Watchtower because no one thinks that world war is possible? No doubt that is the case. After all, according to the Reasoning from the Scriptures another world war is out of the question since it would likely involve nuclear weapons and would result in the ruination of the earth beyond reclamation.

But such reasoning does not take into consideration that Jesus Christ indicated that during the great tribulation the world will be faced with extinction and only divine intervention will prevent it. Unquestionably, the only reason the Watchtower does not see any possibility for another world war is because doing so would imply that Christ has not come in any sense, that 1914 is a fraud —that the parousia has not begun.

It is, then, the Watchtower’s own teaching that has blinded Jehovah’s Witnesses from anticipating anything other than the outbreak of the tribulation, which has been completely disconnected from World War One and the opening of the seven seals that is believed to have occurred a century ago, the sixth of which betokens a great crash.

Cocksure of the Watchtower’s interpretations —as if still celebrating a century of Kingdom rule, Bethel no longer sees the need to keep on the watch. How appropriate Jehovah’s stinging rebuke, issued long ago, but more relevant today than ever before: “Who is blind except my servant, so deaf as the messenger I send? Who is so blind as the one rewarded, so blind as the servant of Jehovah? You see many things, but you do not keep watch. You open your ears, but you do not listen.” —Isaiah 42:19-20

This brief Kingdom Bulletin is being distributed to elders in the New York City area as well as electronically.

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