A recent article on asked, What does the Bible say about political violence? The brief article made reference to the attempted assassination of the Slovakian prime minister as well as Donald Trump. The snippet explains these events are related to Paul’s prophecy about how, in the last days, men will be dominated by evil characteristics—which, is to say that political violence just happens because men are evil.

However, the Watchtower may have inadvertently offered some insight by citing the footnote of Luke 21:9, saying:

The Bible also foretold that disturbances such as insurrections and political turmoil would be a feature of this time period. (Luke 21:9, footnote)

To put that verse in context, Jesus said, “Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.” Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.”

What must take place first? War and disturbances, obviously. First before what? First, before nations and kingdoms arise against each other. First, before food shortages and pestilences stalk the world. First, before fearful sights and great signs from heaven appear.

This exposes a contradiction in the Watchtower’s teaching because if nations and kingdoms went to war in 1914, and that was the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy, then the wars and disturbances that must take place first would have preceded the outbreak of the First World War. But, if what we are witnessing now with wars and disturbances is actually the fulfillment of Jesus’ warning, then we can expect nations to rise against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms to follow. In other words, World War Three.

Needless to say, that presents an insurmountable problem for the Watchtower, as it is on record saying World War Three cannot happen for the reason that another world war would inevitably involve nuclear weapons. This is undoubtedly true. Perhaps you have heard reports that Russian warships are parked 100 miles off the Florida coast. Or maybe you have read that the US is moving medium-range nuclear missiles to Germany to further escalate the proxy war with Russia. There are also reports of both Russian and American nuclear-capable bombers skirting each other’s airspace in recent days.

As regards the Watchtower’s reasoning that another world war is not possible because it would be too destructive and could cause mankind to become extinct and render the Earth uninhabitable, didn’t Jesus imply that mankind will face an existential crisis and that unless God cuts short the tribulation, no flesh would be saved? Why would God cut it short if the tribulation is merely the liquidation of organized religion? Can the Governing Body explain that?

Concerning political violence, the recent assassination attempts on Robert Fico and Donald Trump are not unrelated acts by deranged assassins. The Slovakian prime minister and Donald Trump have been advocates for ending the proxy war against Russia. Trump stated that if he were re-elected, the war would end immediately. The fact that both were nearly killed gives rise to the question: Who wanted them dead? Obviously, it is the Anglo Empire that is behind the push for war, not only with Russia but with China and Iran. In other words, the Anglo Empire intends to destroy the BRICS+ alliance. War has been decided upon, which is why many nations are feverishly preparing for war. There is even talk of implementing forced military conscription. Are young JWs spiritually prepared to go to work camps or prison?


I recently watched a video on JW Broadcasting, a presentation by Balsatar Perla entitled Jehovah Informs His People. The talk was about the iron and clay feet of the prophetic image. The presenter touched upon the seventh chapter of Daniel and explained how the little horn that comes up among the ten and plucks up three of the existing horns was fulfilled long ago when the British Empire “eliminated” Spain, France, and the Netherlands.

Of course, what Brother Perla presented was not new light. The interpretation appeared in the God’s Will Be Done commentary on Daniel that was published in 1958. So, for these 66 years, the Watchtower has made the claim that the British Empire eliminated France, Spain, and the Netherlands. People might question how that could possibly be the true interpretation since France, Spain, and the Netherlands are very much in existence now. France, especially, is considered one of the great powers among nations today. In what way have they been “eliminated”? Is it an invisible “elimination,” like the invisible parousia?

The argument could be made that France is equal to Great Britain. France and Britain were close allies in both world wars. France and Great Britain are both nuclear powers. They both have permanent seats on the prestigious five-member Security Council of the United Nations. The GDP of France and the United Kingdom is nearly the same. Both are members of the G-7. So, can the Governing Body explain how France, Spain, and the Netherlands were “eliminated”?

Of course, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses would never attempt to explain the unexplainable. But is it wise and discreet to boast about how Jehovah informs his people when what is passed off as a divine revelation is nonsensical and patently untrue?

Interpreting prophecy into irrelevant trivia, such as claiming that the wreckage of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was the beginning of the horns being plucked out of the 10-horned beast, is showing contempt for prophecy. Why would the All-knowing God use his power of foresight to foretell historical trivia?

Unless we have utter contempt for Bible prophecy, we will consider the possibility that the three horns of the beast have not been humiliated yet—that it is a future event and will be far more impactful than the sinking of a few wooden warships more than 400 years ago.

There is something notable about the little horn that grows larger and larger. The horn has “eyes like human eyes.” We might ask why the other horns do not have human eyes. We are talking about manmade kingdoms, are we not? What is the significance of only one horn having “eyes like human eyes?”

Computers, smart phones and the Internet have changed the world in ways that were unforeseeable just a couple of decades past. Now the potential exists for our every conversation, transaction and movement to be monitored and tracked.

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden worked for the NSA as a contractor. In 2013, he became alarmed at the extent to which the security state had developed. So he dumped thousands of classified documents that revealed the extent of the British Empire’s scheme to surveil everyone. Contrary to the myth that the British Empire no longer exists, London’s empire is far more powerful now than when the former colonial empire existed. To be sure, the British Empire is not the same as Great Britain. England has merely been the host of a financier oligarchy transplanted from Venice.  The modern empire has considerable military power but also controls money through the central bank network. But foremost, the British Empire is an empire of the mind. It seeks control over what you are allowed to see and think about. (EIR – It’s the British Empire, Stupid!)

Snowden revealed the involvement of the Five Eyes, which is the core of the British Empire’s spy network. The Five Eyes consist of the intelligence and telecommunications networks of Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. (Interestingly, Snowden was charged with the 1917 Espionage Act, a law that was enacted in 1917 ostensibly to go after the Watchtower and prosecute Rutherford.)

The intelligence apparatus serves the interests, not of the state, but of private financial power. The financier oligarchy and fellow travelers associated with the British Monarchy are collectively called globalists. What is the goal of the so-called globalists? It is world domination—something that has eluded the empire for centuries. What might world domination look like? If the globalists have their way, nations will no longer be sovereign. Instead, there will be a central government, a world government. It is what is referred to as a new world order. Interestingly, one of the most common occult symbols appears as the Great Seal on the back of the US one-dollar bill—that being the all-seeing eye of the Egyptian falcon-headed god, Horus. The arcane Eye of Horus capstone hovering over the Egyptian pyramid on the Federal Reserve Note represents the goal of the financiers to achieve the Novus Ordo Seclorum—a new order of the ages. 

The now-emerging little horn with eyes like human eyes must symbolize the globalist cabal that is gradually usurping sovereign nations. What about the three horns that are uprooted, or as the prophecy says, “humiliated”? Since it is evident that the United States and nations of Europe are being intentionally overrun with millions of migrants, many of them trained terrorists, and the USA, especially, is being deliberately driven into bankruptcy; the coup de grace will undoubtedly come when America and NATO are successfully pushed into a disastrous war with Russia, China, and Iran. It is not at all unreasonable or unthinkable that the three horns symbolize the three leading nations of the West presently, namely, America, Great Britain, and France.

The eyes of the ascended horn will no doubt be a factor in imposing the edicts of the revived beast and preventing those who refuse to worship the image from buying or selling—effectively locking them out of the digital new world order.

Just because the globe-rocking crash of the Anglo-American kingdom has not occurred, we should not dismiss it. Do not treat prophecies with contempt is timely advice.

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