I know you’ve covered this subject in your excellent book, Jehovah Has Become King; however, you said something in one of your talks that puzzled me —you said that after ‘a pushing’ between the King of the North (British Empire) and the King of the South (The Republic) the King of the North will storm and flood over the King of the South with ‘ships and chariots’ and he (The British Empire) will rule over all the nations with Egypt (The USA/Republic) being unable to help the nations out!
Are you saying there will be a physical war or a financial war? I can’t see a physical war between the North and South as the South is just too powerful, but I do see the King of the North controlling all the financial resources in the South from the City of London.
Please bear with me as I take you the long way around to answer this question.
Because today is January 1st of the new year, and it is a longstanding tradition for people to speculate about what the new year may bring, it seems appropriate to focus on God’s word and what may be in store in the immediate days ahead. After all, God is the One who tells from the beginning the finale and the things to come.
We know that Satan, the Devil, has been given authority to rule the world. Jesus —the King of kings and the Lord of lords —even referred to Satan as the ruler of the world. Although God has placed certain limits on what Satan is permitted to do, still, the one whom Jesus called “the wicked one” is the god of this world. (Jehovah is the God of gods.) Even so, Revelation informs us that the Devil is misleading the entire inhabited earth. That means everyone is under his influence to an extent.
Because the world is under the influence of the one whom Jesus called “the father of the lie,” pretty much everything is a lie. Nothing is as it seems. Reality is like a house of mirrors. Everything is distorted, even what passes for truth.
We all know that politicians lie. So do lawyers and bankers and businessmen and clergymen and academics and the media etc, etc. Did I leave anyone out? Oh, and the Watchtower.
Again, everything is a lie. And with the advent of supercomputing and artificial intelligence, at some point soon, we may expect truth to cease to exist—at least in the world under the power of the wicked one. Have you never read what the angel revealed to Daniel regarding the last beastly empire of Satan’s dark world? “It kept throwing truth to the earth, and it acted and had success.” — Daniel 8:12
Because God has been slandered and his sovereignty challenged, Jehovah has seen fit to show his power. No, not necessarily his raw might, such as has been displayed in times past, although that will come too, but rather, by foretelling the future. To be sure, unlike humans, God does not make predictions. He foretells history thousands of years before it happens. And he has seen fit to have prophecy preserved in a book, otherwise known as the Bible. God has never been wrong. What he says always comes to pass. The challenge is to understand what these things mean.
I listed the Watchtower among the deceivers because it is apparent to me that the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been misled on a whole range of prophecies. Satan has overreached those who are regarded as explainers of prophecy by inducing them to declare prophecy to have been fulfilled. Virtually everything has been tied to 1914 and explained away into meaningless vapor.
There are many examples of this. Probably half of the nearly 1,500 articles on e-Watchman are devoted to examining Bible prophecy and debunking the Watchtower’s many fabrications.
Now, as regards prophecy, the Watchtower is not wildly off —just off enough to skew their vision. For example, the Watchtower teaches that the Anglo-American duo is represented by the iron and clay feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s colossus. This is a point of agreement. (Actually, the Watchtower only recently adopted what e-watchman had published, as previously the Governing Body claimed the iron and clay symbolized an indescript “politically divided world.”)
So, according to their new understanding of the second chapter of Daniel, the Anglo-American empire will exist in its present form when God’s Kingdom, which is represented by the stone cut out of the mountain, strikes the image in its feet of iron and clay. But there is a contradiction.
In the prophecy of the kings of the north and south during the time of the end, the king of the north will flood over and subjugate the king of the south, represented as “Egypt” since the literal kingdom of Egypt was the original king of the south after the breakup of Alexander’s empire. That is why there is no mention of the king of the south when Michael stands up. It is a single king—the king of the north—who “will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.”
Bible prophecy might be likened to a jigsaw puzzle. When all the pieces are assembled, they present a unified picture. The picture is incomplete if some puzzle parts are missing or ill-fitted.
As regards the king of the north, the Watchtower is off the mark. They make the absurd claim that there was no king of the north from the first century until C.T. Russell came on the scene. But it gets worse. Since, according to the Watchtower, Russia is supposedly the final manifestation of the king of the north, and Great Britain and America are said to be the king of the south, how can the Anglo-America duo represented by the iron and clay feet be the final kingdom that comes to its inglorious end when the 11th chapter of Daniel portrays a lone king of the north who comes to his end?
The prophecy of Daniel interprets itself. The king of the north will ultimately be victorious over his rival. I refer you to Daniel 11:36: “The king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods he will speak astonishing things. And he will prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish; because what is determined must take place.”
If the king of the north is successful until the end, there is no room for his rival to succeed. It is rather comical that the Watchtower insists that the king of the south is still contending with the king of the north when Michael stands up, even though his absence in the prophecy is conspicuous by design. Be assured that sheer dogma has its limits.
Since God’s prophetic word is similar to a harmonious picture puzzle, let us bring in a few more pieces of the puzzle. First, though, it should be noted that the series of prophecies in Daniel all conclude the same way, with a single earthly kingdom being vanquished by God’s Kingdom. Since that is an indisputable truth, that means that the metallic colossus, the monstrous beast with 10 horns, the fierce-looking king, as well as the king of the north that comes all the way to his end, all represent the same entity.
Consider the monstrous beast with 10 horns. Daniel was particularly interested in the beast that sprouted a small horn—momentarily an 11th horn—but which proceeded to uproot three of the 10 established horns. After plucking out its rival horns, the little horn grew great and dominated the holy ones, even speaking against God.
Without dwelling on the absurdity of the Watchtower’s explanation of how the prophecy was fulfilled by the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, we should note that the little ascending horn has human eyes and a mouth. And with that mouth, it speaks against God. And that is precisely what the king of the north does also, as indicated in the verse quoted above.
Now, let us fit another piece into the puzzle. Revelation 13:6-7 states concerning the head of the beast that received what looked like a mortal blow from which it miraculously recovered: “And it opened its mouth in blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his dwelling place, even those residing in heaven. It was permitted to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.”
Since the beast of Revelation, the king of the north, and the little horn of the unusually ferocious beast with iron teeth all speak blasphemies against God and crush the holy ones, they all must represent the last king.
But this picture puzzle involves a time element, too. When do these things come about? The Watchtower claims the three horns were plucked out centuries ago, and the head of the beast was mortally wounded but recovered during the First World War. And supposedly, as the king of the north, the USSR ruled over the gold and hidden treasures of the American king of the south during the Cold War. What a mess!
Since we have established that all of these prophecies depict the same thing in various ways, has God given us a hint as to when these things will be? Yes, he has —provided we honestly discern what is written.
Now consider the opening of the seven seals. Again, Jehovah’s Witnesses are laboring under the delusion that all the seals of the Apocalypse were unsealed beginning in 1914. Although the Watchtower claims the sixth seal was unsealed over 100 years ago, the events betokened have still not occurred. That is very odd, don’t you think? In any case, the opening of the sixth seal betokens nothing short of the collapse of the present system. The crash of mountains and snuffing out of the heavenly luminaries so terrifies mankind that they plead for protection, saying: “Hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
The mass of humanity will not accept Christ when he comes. He will be regarded as an enemy from whom the godless will seek protection. And Satan will provide a protector for them. The prophets envisioned the earthly protector with the ascension of the little horn, the victorious king of the north, and the recovery of the head of the beast from his death blow.
Now consider more closely what is stated in the 13th chapter of Revelation concerning the beast that recovers from collapse: “I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration. And they worshipped the dragon because it gave the authority to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast with the words: “Who is like the wild beast, and who can do battle with it?” It was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and it was given authority to act for 42 months.”
The opening of the sixth seal parallels the fatal wound of the beast. And even the Watchtower is forced to admit that the system has not collapsed.
Please, if you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, try to dislodge from your mind the ridiculous notion that the Anglo-American victors of WW1 suffered the foretold fatal wound. Since the recovered beast is hailed as the protector and champion, cheered on by those who praise the beast with the words: “Who can do battle with it?” —it is evident that the beast has not been fatally wounded and subsequently recovered.
Since the beast has not been mortally wounded, neither have the three horns been plucked up from Daniel’s beast. Nor has the king of the north subjugated “Egypt.”
Now, concerning the final conflict between the kings of the north and south initiated by the “pushing.” To date, the British Empire has functioned in the role of the king of the north. Even though there is this Special Relationship between Britain and America, that alliance is the result of the machinations of the lords of London to harness the power of their breakaway colony to serve as their dumb giant and to ultimately destroy it from within, at least as far as a republic.
Although the term “British Empire” is no longer common parlance, it is at least recognized by some that globalists are intent on destroying the nation-state system that grew out of the Treaty of Westphalia. Foremost is America. To a lesser extent, the nations of Europe, particularly France and Great Britain. I believe America, France, and Great Britain are the three horns that will be plucked out. Given the ongoing destruction of these nations from within by the intentional endebtedness, being flooded with millions of immigrants, Marxist brainwashing, and Wall Street’s chokehold on the economy, it is looking like the little horn is ascending and the uprooting of the three horns is imminent.
Interestingly, the little horn has human eyes and a mouth. We must assume that the beast with iron teeth and copper claws also has eyes on its head, so what is the significance of the little horn possessing human eyes? With the advent of the silicon chip, computers now run everything. The interconnectivity of everything has empowered a so-called deep state to spy upon and monitor virtually every human activity. There are eyes and ears everywhere. So, no one doubts that the power to surveil and control mankind is being rapidly developed and concentrated in the hands of a few.
If you have been paying attention in recent years, you surely know that certain three-letter government agencies in the US have been actively working to subvert America through various means too numerous to mention. Suffice it to say that the so-called deep state is run by the soon-to-be-revealed last king. And let’s just get this out of the way: The real shadow government is the banking mafia headquartered in the City of London and ultimately controlled by a tiny clique of ultra-wealthy Satanists.
So, in answer to the original question, the king of the north is drawing the world into war to destroy the entire system. That includes the City of London and its financial empire. It is all going down. From the ashes will arise the last empire—the eighth king. That is why the colossal image is depicted as standing upon feet of iron and clay because both the American republic and London’s empire will give way to what the metallic image with the head of gold represents—the image of the wild beast, also known as the eighth king.
By better aligning the various pieces of the prophetic puzzle, do you get the picture?