
Questions from readers concerning Bible doctrines and issues confronting Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The sons of the desolate one

I know you have discussed this topic in videos and written articles, and for me, the Biblical evidence seems pretty obvious that Christ's bride is a limited and balanced number of 144,000 co-rulers. But, some try to overturn this simple truth with various types of reasoning. One such reasoning is this: If the 144,000 is a literal/finite number, then how is it possible that the children [...]

2025-02-06T10:11:24-05:00February 6th, 2025|Categories: Mailbag|

2025 – The year of chaos

I know you’ve covered this subject in your excellent book, Jehovah Has Become King; however, you said something in one of your talks that puzzled me —you said that after 'a pushing’ between the King of the North (British Empire) and the King of the South (The Republic) the King of the North will storm and flood over the King of the South with 'ships and chariots' [...]

2025-01-01T12:46:17-05:00January 1st, 2025|Categories: Mailbag, Page One|

Jehovah is righteous in her midst

QUESTION: I know you have said that the WT has been used by Jehovah to further His will, but is God still using the organization? I feel that, that time is over now because I can't see how God will work with an organization that has got their hands in blood and in saying that I mean by the thousands upon thousands of child abuse [...]

2023-11-23T14:07:25-05:00November 23rd, 2023|Categories: Mailbag|

If 1914 is wrong how can Jehovah’s Witnesses be right?

If 1914 is not the year that Jesus’ Kingdom came to power how can it possibly be true that Jehovah’s Witnesses are accomplishing what Jesus said; namely, that the good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the earth before the end? This is a very complex issue---a paradox---and it requires a bit of knowledge and thinking ability to resolve. On the one [...]

2023-02-20T05:54:23-05:00February 16th, 2023|Categories: Mailbag, Page One|

The sealing and revealing of the sons of God

Does the Bible teach that the sealing of the 144,000 began at Pentecost a few days after Christ's ascension? What Bible proof is there that being anointed or receiving a token is the same as being sealed? People can lose their anointing by committing the unpardonable sin against the holy spirit. So evidently being anointed is not the same as being sealed. Anointed ones are not [...]

2022-10-27T16:13:24-04:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: Mailbag|

Who will lead the great crowd through Armageddon?

As you already know and have said many times, the chosen ones will be killed by beast right before the seven bowls of wrath are poured out. So, my question is, if the anointed will not be here then and will be in heaven to battle at Armageddon, who will lead the great crowd during this time? If there will be no elders or "leaders" [...]

2021-11-28T18:43:37-05:00November 28th, 2021|Categories: Mailbag|

He stands in opposition and exalts himself

Question: In update number 9, the question was asked ‘Do you believe Jehovah is directing the organization?’ I know you’ve said that it is Jehovah’s organization, but do you feel he is still directing and are we seeing the scriptures being fulfilled, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4? My feelings on update 9 is many in the congregations won’t have a problem with what’s being said as it’s [...]

2021-11-20T10:15:09-05:00November 20th, 2021|Categories: Mailbag|

Questions concerning the princes and the false prophet

I was told by an elder’s wife that Psalm 45:16 taught us that some elders would be princes in paradise.Is that what that verse means? The elder’s wife is probably ambitiously hoping her hubby gets to play the prince in paradise; but no, that is not what the Psalm means. Elders, or overseers, are a provision for Christian congregations. When Christ comes again Christianity will [...]

2021-10-15T18:11:57-04:00October 14th, 2021|Categories: Mailbag|

The Watchtower and the disgusting thing

Since the WT has, it seems, become the mouthpiece of the scarlet colored wild beast, the disgusting thing that causes desolation, and the constant feature (the public ministry) has essentially been removed, are we not then actually seeing the fulfillment of Daniel 12:11. Are we not in the last days? Is not the disgusting thing standing in a holy place? Matt. 24:15. Jesus said when you [...]

2021-10-13T17:59:24-04:00October 13th, 2021|Categories: Mailbag|

Questions from readers

QUESTION: I was reading your essay titled "The antichrist is coming" and there you say that what is acting as a restraint to the man of lawlessness is the Governing body but in your essay titled "And it stood still on the sand on the sea" you write that who has been acting as a restraint to the man of lawlessness is no other than Jesus, [...]

2021-10-07T12:08:40-04:00October 7th, 2021|Categories: Mailbag|
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