With each passing day, the world sinks deeper and deeper into conflict and crises. The civil chaos and war escalation are intentional—by design. On the surface, the conflict is being driven by the ascendancy of Russia, China, and the BRICS+. A multipolar world is replacing, yes, challenging the bankrupt Anglo empire that has dominated the world for the past two centuries, particularly since the end of the Second World War.

To make the point, no sooner had Iran become a member of the BRICS in January 2024 than the former Persian Empire was targeted for destruction by the Anglo-Zionist war machine. The recent assassinations of Islamic leaders are intended to provoke Iran into direct conflict with the United States. While pundits and analysts talk of a regional war in the Middle East, it appears that the fuse is lit to world war.

According to Bible prophecy, there have only been seven empires—with an eighth kingdom yet to arise. Of course, there have been many more vast empires than that. So, why does the Bible only list seven? It is because those seven kingdoms have had direct dealings with God’s people, either as oppressors or liberators and protectors.

Egypt was the first. We all know the history. At first, Egypt was a haven for the Israelites. Then, they were enslaved.  Jehovah brought about a grand liberation using the Ten Plagues and then drowning Pharoah and his charioteers in the Red Sea.

Then, Assyria rose to power. The Assyrians conquered the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel. However, Jehovah directly intervened, and an angel snuffed out the Assyrian army as it moved to lay siege to Jerusalem.

Babylon overthrew Nineveh and defeated Egypt at the battle of Carchemish. Judean King Josiah ill-advisedly joined the fight and was killed at Megiddo by Necho, the king of Egypt.

Nebuchadnezzar was contracted by God to destroy Jerusalem and drag the Jews off to Babylon. But before Babylon ever ascended to power, Jehovah foretold that Cyrus and the Medes and Persians would overthrow Babylon by drying up the Euphrates River, and the Jews would be liberated once again.

Alexander the Great

The Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great. Prophecies in the book of Daniel foretold that the Grecian Empire would split into four kingdoms. This actually happened when Alexander died unexpectedly and did not leave a qualified heir to the throne, and his empire was divided among four of his generals. Eventually, two kingdoms became dominant—Syria and Ptolemaic Egypt and became the original kings of the north and south. They are called kings of the north and south due to their proximity to Israel. Palestine became Hellenized, which resulted in the production of the Christian Greek Scriptures.

Next, the Roman Empire became dominant, ultimately absorbing Syria and Egypt. When Jesus came to earth, Israel was a province of the Roman system. In fact, the Jews mistakenly imagined that the Messiah was going to liberate them from Rome and reestablish the kingdom of David.

After Christianity spread throughout the Mediterranean region, it eventually became compromised and was made the state religion, even though only a tiny percentage of the population at the time had adopted Christian beliefs. Rather than Christianizing the pagans, though, Christianity became infused with paganism. But even as the Roman Empire collapsed, the Vatican assumed control and reigned over the feudal system. So, whatever remained of Christ’s congregation came under the control of the beastly imperial system.

Gradually, the British Empire emerged as the inheritor of the Roman imperial system. When the 13 colonies broke away from London, the king of the South reemerged in the form of the United States of America.

Until the invention of the printing press, the Catholic Church had successfully locked the Bible into the dying Latin language. It tortured and murdered many who were deemed heretics. No doubt, with divine backing, a few scholars defied the Church of England and the Vatican and translated the Bible into English and the other languages of Western Europe.

When the first colonists—the Pilgrims—came to the New World, fleeing the tyranny of the clergy, they brought their newly printed King James Bible with them. A few generations later, America was formed, founded on the principles of free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly. America was fertile ground for various Bible societies, including the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

By any measure, the Watchtower has fulfilled Christ’s mandate to preach the good news of the Kingdom throughout the earth. Watchtower literature is available in over 1,000 languages. The New World Translation is now published in 300 languages. No doubt, the work of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been greatly facilitated due to the fact that America has constitutionally guaranteed our freedom and the fact the American homeland has been untouched by wars that have ravaged many nations over the past 100-plus years. Because of America’s prosperity and social stability since the end of WW2, thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses have served as missionaries and been sent to the far-flung corners of the world.

But what’s next? Jehovah’s entry onto the world’s stage via Jesus Christ will set off a period of chaos and destruction unlike anything in history. The Anglo-American world power is destined to fall with an earthshaking crash.  I have been writing about this for over 20 years.

Because Egypt was the first of the seven kingdoms, it represents the other kingdoms to follow, particularly the last. For example, Revelation describes the two symbolic witnesses: “When they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will wage war with them and conquer them and kill them. And their corpses will be on the main street of the great city that is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also executed on the stake.”

Jesus was not executed in Egypt. He was put to death outside the walls of Jerusalem, which at that time was ruled over by the Roman Empire. Pontius Pilate, who gave the order to have Jesus put to death, was a representative of Rome. Thus, Rome is symbolized as Egypt in the case of Christ, and the beast that will ascend from the abyss in the aftermath of the seemingly fatal blow to the seventh head of the beast will serve as the last Egypt.

The 32nd chapter of Ezekiel is a judgment against Egypt. It is written as a dirge to be sung by Ezekiel. The opening verses say: “You were like a strong young lion of the nations, but you have been silenced. You were like a sea monster, thrashing about in your rivers, muddying the waters with your feet and fouling the rivers.”

The depiction of Egypt as a lion and a sea monster harmonizes with the 13th chapter of Revelation, which depicts a seven-headed wild beast with the mouth of a lion arising from the sea. The last verse of the 32nd chapter reveals that the lion-like sea monster will die by the sword. This is precisely what Revelation states concerning the head of the beast: “I saw that one of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but its mortal wound had been healed, and all the earth followed the wild beast with admiration.”

The prophecy of Ezekiel concerning the fall of Egypt uses apocalyptic language similar to what Jesus spoke and also what is stated in Revelation regarding the sun going dark and the moon turning to blood. “And when you are extinguished I will cover the heavens and darken their stars. I will cover the sun with clouds, and the moon will not give its light.  I will darken all the shining luminaries in the heavens because of you, and I will cover your land with darkness,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.” — Ezekiel 32:7,8

When Jehovah liberated the Hebrews from Egypt, the ninth plague caused dense darkness to cover the land for three days. It may be that literal darkness will cover the earth in the future, a darkness caused by nuclear war creating massive debris clouds. The prophecy of Joel appears to foretell this very thing: Joel 2:2 states: “It is a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick gloom, like light of dawn spreading out on the mountains. There is a people numerous and mighty; never before has there been one like it, and never again will there be another through the years of all generations.”

Verses 10 and 11 similarly say: “Before them the land trembles and the heavens rock. Sun and moon have become dark, and the stars have lost their brightness. Jehovah will raise his voice before his army, for his camp is very numerous. For the one carrying out His word is mighty; for the day of Jehovah is great and very awe-inspiring. Who can endure it?”

Verses 30 and 31:And I will give wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah.”

To be sure, Egypt’s fall is not its end. Just as Revelation depicts the seemingly fatally wounded head recovering, Egypt survives the sword, too. Only it will be under different management, so to speak.

The 19th chapter of Isaiah is a prophecy against Egypt, too. It foretells civil war, the king’s advisers being foolish and not knowing the way out, and Egypt succumbing to tyranny: I will hand Egypt over to a hard master, and a harsh king will rule over them,” declares the true Lord, Jehovah of armies.

This ought to put us in mind the prophecy in the 8th chapter of Daniel that foretells a fierce-looking king will bring the mighty ones to ruin and will succeed by deception. Further, Egypt, having been the original king of the south, is a symbol of the king of the south during the time of the end. And contrary to the Watchtower’s interpretation, the king of the south will be subjugated by his nemesis: “And he (king of the north) will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not escape. And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps.” — Daniel 11:42,43

Returning to the 19th chapter of Isaiah, I believe this prophecy has to do with the appearance of the Son of man, otherwise known as the Savior. Verses 19-22 state: “In that day there will be an altar to Jehovah in the middle of the land of Egypt and a pillar to Jehovah at its boundary. It will be for a sign and for a witness to Jehovah of armies in the land of Egypt; for they will cry out to Jehovah because of the oppressors, and he will send them a savior, a grand one, who will save them. And Jehovah will become known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians will know Jehovah in that day, and they will offer sacrifices and gifts and make a vow to Jehovah and pay it. Jehovah will strike Egypt, striking and healing it; and they will return to Jehovah, and he will respond to their entreaties and heal them.”

Just as a vast mixed company joined the Israelite exodus from Egypt in the days of Moses, Jehovah will rescue some of the modern Egyptians.

The “healing” harmonizes with the healing of the mortally wounded head of the beast. And the grand savior will enter the world’s stage after the crash of the present Anglo-American system.

Some say that Jehovah’s Witnesses are an American religion. The reasons for that view are apparent. As mentioned, America was the perfect seedbed for the work of the Bible Students and later Jehovah’s Witnesses. America has been a sanctuary for those fleeing oppressed lands and because of that is is rightly called an ethnic melting pot. The Watchtower has always been headquartered in America and has been home to many anointed Christians. So, it is appropriate that Jehovah will recognize an altar to his name in the middle of the land of Egypt, ruled over by the harsh oppressors. 

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