Saturday, April 23

God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work.Heb. 6:10.

Jehovah remembers the loving labors of all who faithfully serve him, whether their circumstances in life permit them to do much or little. In the first century, Jesus launched a work that was to reach global proportions. His apostles took the lead in the expansion of this preaching work.  Some Christians, such as Philip, served as evangelizers and missionaries in Palestine.  Paul and others traveled farther afield.  Some—for example, Silvanus (Silas), Mark, and Luke—also served as copyists or writers.  Christian sisters worked along with these faithful brothers.  Their exciting experiences help to make the Christian Greek Scriptures a thrill to read and demonstrate that Jehovah remembers his servants favorably.


Preaching is the hallmark of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is what they are known for. And preaching and teaching are the work that Jesus has given to his followers to do. The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for doing the work that Jesus commanded is noteworthy.

Jesus foretold that the good news of his Kingdom will be preached in all the world and then the end will come. Does that mean the work Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing now will lead right up to the great tribulation and the war of Armageddon? No. It is not that simple.

While preaching the word is important it is not all that is required of those who call themselves Christians. The letter of James explains what is involved in the true religion and it does not mention preaching. James 1:27 states: “The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.”

How does the Watchtower measure up according to that standard?.

When we take into consideration that untold thousands of children have been sexually abused by men who called themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses, some even elders and ministerial servants appointed by the Watchtower, and that the Watchtower has waged a long and punishing legal battle against the abused, in what way can it be said that the leading men of the organization practice the form of worship that is acceptable to God? Rather than looking after those in tribulation, it is more accurate to say that the Watchtower’s Legal Department is the source of tribulation.

While these matters are brushed aside by the Governing Body, which intimates that the media are biased and their coverage of the Watchtower’s child abuse scandal should not be believed, obviously Heaven knows the truth.

Yes. Jehovah is not unrighteous so as to forget our work, but neither will he give exemption from punishment. There is a future day of reckoning —an inspection to come. The 7th chapter of Amos foreshadows this very thing.

Amos sees God with a carpenter’s plumb line, which is a string with a weight attached, which serves as a straight-line to determine if a wall is true: “Look! Jehovah was standing on a wall made with a plumb line, and there was a plumb line in his hand. Then Jehovah said to me: ‘What do you see, Amos?’ So I said: ‘A plumb line.’ Jehovah then said: ‘Here I am putting a plumb line among my people Israel. I will no longer pardon them. The high places of Isaac will be desolated, and the sanctuaries of Israel will be devastated…’”

If Jehovah were to figuratively stand upon the organizational wall the Watchtower has erected and drop his plumb line to the ground would he find the structure is straight and true? There is no need to speculate. The answer is provided in the prophecy of Amos.


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