Saturday, September 5

Let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out.Gal. 6:9.

Do we periodically take the time to reflect on the workings of Jehovah’s organization? Some have chosen to include time in their family worship or personal study to do research on these matters and to meditate on them. The book Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom and other publications or DVDs available in your language provide intriguing insight into the organization. Meditating on what Jehovah is accomplishing through his organization is good for us. Along with this wonderful organization, may we be resolved to keep focused on the more important things. Doing so will fortify us to have the same determination as Paul, who wrote: “Since we have this ministry according to the mercy that was shown us, we do not give up.”


By using the expressions such as “Jehovah’s visible organization” in context with the invisible organization, Jehovah’s Witnesses are subtly induced to believe that the earthly organization can do no wrong.

But so what if the Watchtower publishes Bible-based information in hundreds of languages if it loses sight of the more important things? Such as?

For starters, rendering justice to the abused. And doing its utmost to protect children from being sexually abused in the first place. Apparently, though, the leadership of Jehovah’s “wonderful organization” does not place a high priority on these things. Unfortunately – for them – Jehovah does. 

Let Jehovah’s Witnesses meditate on the reality of the coming of Christ in the near future at their weekly family worship, perhaps considering some of the timely material posted on the Watchman’s Post bearing upon the coming inspection and judgment. 


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