
e-Watchman Radio #7

Instead of posting as videos, the Internet radio is going to be posted as audio only. To download click the little icon in the upper right-hand corner of the player. If you have questions please pop me an email and I will consider them in a future Daily Word program.  To read Mailbag article click here

2019-10-08T11:00:58-04:00December 25th, 2018|Categories: Videos|

e-Watchman Radio #6

Discussion of the significance of President Trump's pullout from Syria and the leadup to the biblically foretold pronouncement of "peace and security. Here is a link to the article considered.

2019-10-08T01:07:22-04:00December 22nd, 2018|Categories: Videos|

e-W Radio #5 – Happy Solstice!

Are these the last days? No. But they ain't far off. The financial system can come crashing down on any given day. True, no one knows the day or hour, but obviously, it is getting close. That reality is driving the empire to push the nations into war.

2019-10-07T22:27:47-04:00December 21st, 2018|Categories: Videos|

Watchman Radio #2

Weird music and Bach, interspersed with comments about the earth not being flat and Jehovah's timelessness, and other stuff.

2019-10-07T21:35:45-04:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Videos|

Watchman Radio #1

Consideration of the Daily Text of Jehovah's Witnesses and a couple of news items. And the reading of a MailBag question about the Watchtower's interpretation of the beast from the abyss.

2019-10-07T21:28:07-04:00December 10th, 2018|Categories: Videos|
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