Do you think now Satan has been hurled down and confined to the earth or may be coming this fall?
I do not think Satan and his angels have already been hurled down from heaven— certainly not in 1914, nor at any time since then. As for this coming autumn, Jesus said: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”
So, it is not possible to determine beforehand the precise timing of Christ’s second coming. (For the unfamiliar, according to the 12th chapter of Revelation the ouster of Satan and his angels takes place as a result of the coming to power of the Kingdom of Christ, resulting first in a war in heaven and ultimately Armageddon.)
Satan’s overthrow, however, is not a stealth event. Although it will take place in the invisible realm there will be observable knock-on effects on earth. According to Revelation the Devil’s ouster will result in an unprecedented period of trouble. “Woe for the earth and sea for the Devil has come down to you,” declares the angel. Fortunately, it will be a short period of time. Foremost, Satan will come down in a great rage and his fury will be directed at those who have been called into Christ’s Kingdom as co-rulers. Revelation says of them: “And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death.”
According to Jesus the woes for the “earth and sea” will come in the form of war, famine, pestilence and great earthquakes in various places, along with fearful sights from heaven. Jesus said these events will mark the beginning of the pangs of distress.
As everyone knows, the Watchtower resolutely claims that the pangs of distress began to be felt in 1914 and have been ongoing over the past 106 years. With the sudden onset of the COVID 19 crises, a lot of other would-be prophets have jumped on the end times bandwagon too and are declaring the pandemic to be part of the sign Jesus spoke about. Actually, Jesus warned us about this very thing when he said: “Look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The due time is near.’ Do not go after them. Furthermore, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified. For these things must take place first, but the end will not occur immediately.” — Luke 21:8-9
According to Jesus the authentic sign will be preceded by those falsely claiming that the time has come. That’s where we are now.
As far as this autumn, obviously the world is in a time of great turmoil. There is a determined effort to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump before the election this November. The political opposition is looking at prosecution for the crimes committed in the failed coup. It is possible that even the former president could be indicted. So, there are very powerful men who are determined to take down Trump whatever the cost, even if the nation is destroyed.
The economies of nations are swiftly collapsing due to the lockdown. Comparisons are being made to the Great Depression. There are hints of coming food shortages. Most disturbing, the virus panic is being used as a pretext to push the United States into war with China.
It is hard to believe that people can be so reckless and stupid to risk nuclear annihilation, but if we factor in the evil influence of the demons it makes sense. After all, the scripture says: “And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”
We may be certain of one thing, whatever happens in the near future the world is not going to go back to “normal.” From all appearances, Jehovah’s tempest has already been unleashed. The storm is brewing. It is coming.