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Let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah

2022-12-15T18:24:44-05:00December 12th, 2022|Micah|

A continuation of the Micah series “In the final part of the days, the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will be raised up above the hills, and to it peoples will stream. And many nations will go and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah and to the [...]

Hear this, you elders, and pay attention

2022-10-03T06:42:12-04:00May 3rd, 2022|WT Review|

This is a consideration of study article #29 — Support Our Overseer Jesus Jesus said the good news will be preached first in all the world and then the end will come. Christ also foretold that he would appoint a slave to provide food at the right time. Let us consider a few aspects of this important topic. Paragraph four states:  4. Jesus stated that the [...]

What is the sign of the last days?

2023-06-09T07:16:39-04:00April 3rd, 2022|WT Review| has taken to posting brief articles with short bullet points on current topics. As I have done with the Watchtower Review column for many years this post will examine the validity of the article: What Is the Sign of “the Last Days,” or “End Times”? (The recycled article appearing on jw dot org has been reviewed before but what follows is more detailed.) What [...]

Whenever they are saying “peace and security”

2024-08-04T06:54:37-04:00January 29th, 2022|Featured, Page One|

JW Broadcast has uploaded a video entitled: Remain Watchful for “Peace and Security!” This topic has been considered and reconsidered on this site for many years; and of course, Jehovah’s Witnesses are frequently reminded of it in publications and discourses. To be sure, it is a compelling prophecy given the fact that God has provided a roadside marker, as it were, a signal to affirm the [...]

I am devising a scheme against you

2021-12-07T11:23:09-05:00December 7th, 2021|Jeremiah|

A continuation of the Jeremiah series. In the 18th chapter of Jeremiah Jehovah commanded his prophet to go to the workshop of a certain potter as he was working with a lump of clay on the potter’s wheel. The piece the potter was shaping became ruined and so he reworked it into a different shaped vessel. Jehovah then made a comparison, saying to Jeremiah: “‘Can I [...]

The King of the North Will Storm

2021-09-15T11:00:36-04:00September 15th, 2021|Mailbag|

I was listening to podcast 83, you were talking about the ”pushing” from America, which you said there hasn’t been a significant pushing yet. When the king of the north floods over, will we know it’s the empire? I ask because Jehovah’s Witnesses have been led to believe it’s Russia, so will it be obvious who it is? There is a reason Jehovah’s Witnesses (or anyone else) [...]


2021-03-14T18:21:29-04:00March 14th, 2021|Bulletins|

For the past 150 years the Watchtower has boldly interpreted Bible prophecy in an attempt to reveal the things to come and place itself as the city of light. Consequently, the flock has been convinced that Christ has already returned and we are living deep in the time of the end, which is believed to have begun in 1914.  In reality, because the seers have [...]

The Destroyer Will Be Destroyed

2021-02-27T08:12:43-05:00February 13th, 2021|Isaiah|

This article has been updated from its original publication in 2014 "Woe to you, you destroyer who has not been destroyed; You betrayer who has not been betrayed! When you finish destroying, you will be destroyed. When you finish betraying, you will be betrayed."  The 33rd chapter of Isaiah opens with the last of what is a series of woes that began with the 28th chapter announcing [...]

He will appear and bring you joy

2022-09-29T08:51:27-04:00January 25th, 2021|Commentary|

Monday, January 25 They all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak in different languages. —Acts 2:4. If you were one of the disciples gathered in the upper room at Pentecost 33 C.E., there would be no question in your mind that you were anointed by holy spirit. (Acts 2:5-12) But do all those who are anointed by holy spirit receive their anointing in some spectacular [...]

Jehovah is a God of Judgment

2021-01-24T09:22:01-05:00January 24th, 2021|Isaiah|

Jehovah first demonstrated that he was a God of judgment back in the Garden of Eden, not only when he sentenced the trespassing Adam and Eve to death, but he also foretold the long-running enmity that would develop between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, culminating with the crushing of the serpent and its brood.

Although Almighty God is fully capable and determined to ultimately accomplish his originally stated purpose to have mankind dwell in peace and perfection on this beautiful planet, since our fruit-pilfering parents were ousted from Eden God has had to patiently deal with a degenerating race of sinners. And fortunately for us the Grand Instructor is up to the task.

It was an entirely different world on the outside of Eden. By disobeying Jehovah humanity unwittingly subjected itself to the rebel angel who cunningly used a lowly reptile to deceive Eve and who has subsequently become known as Satan, the Devil.


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