Jehovah first demonstrated that
he was a God of judgment back in the Garden of Eden, not only when he
sentenced the trespassing Adam and Eve to death, but he also foretold
the long-running enmity that would develop between the seed of the woman
and the seed of the serpent, culminating with the crushing of the
serpent and its brood.
Almighty God is fully capable and determined to ultimately accomplish
his originally stated purpose to have mankind dwell in peace and
perfection on this beautiful planet, since our fruit-pilfering parents
were ousted from Eden God has had to patiently deal with a degenerating
race of sinners. And fortunately for us the Grand Instructor is up to
the task.
It was an entirely
different world on the outside of Eden. By disobeying Jehovah humanity
unwittingly subjected itself to the rebel angel who cunningly used a
lowly reptile to deceive Eve and who has subsequently become known as
Satan, the Devil.