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Oh you who dwell nestled among the cedars

2022-02-23T10:33:51-05:00February 22nd, 2022|Jeremiah|

A continuation of the Jeremiah series.  In the 21st chapter of Jeremiah, the last king of Judah summoned Jeremiah to request that the prophet inquire of Jehovah. No doubt aware of the salvation God had performed in the days of Hezekiah when the Assyrians invaded Judah only to have an angel slaughter Sennacherib’s entire army, now with Nebuchadnezzar laying siege to Jerusalem, the “deadly wounded wicked [...]

How strong will your faith be?

2023-04-22T09:58:39-04:00January 27th, 2022|WT Review|

The Zoom Watchtower study this week poses a very pertinent question: How Strong Will Your Faith Be?  The opening paragraph poses a couple of hypothetical questions.  Do you sometimes feel anxious when you think about the events that lie ahead of us —the destruction of false religion, the attack of Gog of Magog, and the war of Armageddon? Do you ever ask yourself, ‘When the [...]

Who will lead the great crowd through Armageddon?

2021-11-28T18:43:37-05:00November 28th, 2021|Mailbag|

As you already know and have said many times, the chosen ones will be killed by beast right before the seven bowls of wrath are poured out. So, my question is, if the anointed will not be here then and will be in heaven to battle at Armageddon, who will lead the great crowd during this time? If there will be no elders or "leaders" [...]

You have caused this people to trust a lie

2023-12-06T07:22:46-05:00November 15th, 2021|Commentary, Jeremiah|

Monday, November 15 Sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, . . . and they will by no means escape. —1 Thess. 5:3. Imagine that the nations have just made their long-awaited proclamation of “peace and security.” They may boast that the world has never been so safe. The nations will want us to think that they have the world situation under control. But they have absolutely no [...]

The Second Coming of Christ – What Will It Mean for You?

2023-07-29T06:33:02-04:00September 20th, 2021|Page One|

This post is a reproduction of what was previously published as a brochure. in 2019. You may purchase copies of the brochure for distribution or download as a PDF. Unfortunately, I corrected about a half dozen typos that appear in the hard copy and PDF. (Too much work to fix them) THE APPROACHING HOUR OF TESTING Jehovah has always used [...]

Until the spirit is poured out on us from above

2021-07-28T08:48:03-04:00July 28th, 2021|Commentary|

Wednesday, July 28 As these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near. —Luke 21:28. At some point, the people whose religions were destroyed may resent the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses keep practicing their religion. We can only imagine the uproar that this might create, including on social media. The nations and their ruler, Satan, will hate [...]

The Watchtower’s deluding influence soon to end

2021-11-16T06:11:32-05:00June 29th, 2021|WT Review|

Part two of Watchtower Review of I Will Shake All the Nations How have people reacted to this message? Most have reacted negatively. (Read Psalm 2:1-3.) The nations have become agitated. They refuse to accept Jehovah’s appointed Ruler. They do not view the Kingdom message we preach as “good news.” In fact, some governments have even banned the preaching work! Even though many of the rulers of these [...]

The powers of the heavens will be shaken

2021-06-28T16:26:41-04:00June 28th, 2021|WT Review|

This is part one of a two-part Watchtower Review series.  The September 2021, Watchtower carries an article based on the prophecy of Haggai, which states: “For this is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘Yet once more—in a little while—and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. And I will shake all the nations, and the precious things of [...]

The noisy city has been abandoned

2024-01-24T09:41:49-05:00February 12th, 2021|Isaiah|

Egypt had been the major power in the region prior to the ascendancy of Assyria. And long before the children of Abraham had settled in the promised land they had relied on the Egyptians for support during a time of famine. It was God’s provision for them. But this time was different. Looking to the Egyptians for help during the calamity would indicate that the Israelites lacked faith in Jehovah. So, God determined to allow the calamity to come upon them in order to purge evildoers from among his people.

The great crowd who come out of the great tribulation

2021-01-16T18:23:26-05:00January 16th, 2021|Commentary|

Saturday, January 16 I saw . . . a great crowd . . . standing before the throne and before the Lamb. —Rev. 7:9. In 1935, Jehovah’s Witnesses came to realize that the great crowd do not literally have to be in heaven to stand “before the throne and before the Lamb.” Rather, their position is figurative. Even though they would live on earth, the great crowd could stand “before [...]

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