Friday, April 28
Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse.
History has demonstrated beyond any doubt the truthfulness of what the Bible says: “I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.” No, Jehovah did not create humans with the ability or the right to direct their affairs independent of him. In addition to showing how futile human rule is, God’s temporary permission of wickedness serves another long-range purpose. It provides permanent testimony that only God’s rule can be successful. After Jehovah destroys wickedness and those who cause it, if anyone ever again would challenge Jehovah’s way of ruling in love, there would be no need for God to permit the challenge to stand. He could use what has happened in mankind’s history as the just reason to remove such rebels quickly, not allowing them to establish wickedness once again.
Human rulership has been a failure across the board —including those who rule, or govern for God. Look at the history of the kings of Israel and Judah who ruled in Jehovah’s name. Only a few were considered good kings, and even they had serious lapses of judgment. For example, not only David’s moral lapse with Bathsheba, but his ill-advised census of Israel brought Jehovah’s adverse judgment upon the nation.
Then there was Hezekiah. He was considered the most upright of the kings of Judah, and yet he made the disastrous mistake of inviting the king of Babylon to view the temple treasury. As a result the prophet Isaiah informed the king that all the treasure would be plundered by Babylon.
Since the words “rule” and “govern” are basically interchangeable, can it not be said that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses rule over the organization? Since that is the case, is it not also just another form of human rulership? Surely it is. That being true, the ecclesiastical governance —regardless of the theocratic label attached to it —is still a form of human rulership and hence, inadequate. (The Coming Change in Leadership)
Now consider a portion of the prophecy of Isaiah that has the utmost relevance for our day. The 28th chapter of Isaiah is addressed to the drunkards of Ephraim —Ephraim once being the most prominent tribe of Israel and was used in the Scriptures alternatively as a designation for all of Israel. Interestingly, Jehovah also addresses them as “you boasters, you rulers of this people in Jerusalem.”
It should be pointed out that Ephraim was the most prominent tribe of the northern 10-tribe kingdom, which had its capital at Samaria. Ephraim did not rule over or from Jerusalem. Judah, David’s tribe, ruled from Jerusalem. So, that is an indication that the prophecy has meaning that is not apparent. Also, the prophecy makes reference to the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom, saying: “Here I am laying as a foundation in Zion a tested stone, the precious cornerstone of a sure foundation. No one exercising faith will panic.”
It is evident that the prophecy, although set in ancient times, actually focuses on the coming of Christ. The placing of the tested foundational stone signifies the establishment of the Kingdom in heavenly Mount Zion as a replacement of the human rule over the symbolic “Jerusalem.” That event initiates a flash flood intended to flush out the rulers of God’s people who have concealed themselves in falsehood. The same “flood” is symbolized in the 12th chapter of Revelation that comes about as a result of the Kingdom coming to power and Michael ejecting the dragon, the original serpent, from its place in heaven, at which point “the serpent spewed out water like a river from its mouth after the woman, to cause her to be drowned by the river.”
The boastful “rulers of this people in Jerusalem” most assuredly are the Governing Body and leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Jerusalem” is a symbol of the Christian congregation since it was in the literal holy city that Christianity began on the day of Pentecost and the apostles made the city their unofficial headquarters. And by extension, when Jesus spoke of the coming tribulation upon Jerusalem during the conclusion he had his congregation in mind. Otherwise, why would it be necessary for his disciples to flee when the disgusting thing stood where it ought not?
So, it is the Governing Body who say: “We have made a covenant with Death, and with the Grave we have made an agreement. When the raging flash flood passes through, it will not reach us, for we have made a lie our refuge and we have hidden ourselves in falsehood.”
As a classic example of how they have done that very thing consider the article from where the daily comment originated, the concluding paragraphs of which imply that since 1914 Jesus’ loving rulership has already been extended over Jehovah’s Witnesses. In other words, there is no need for the Kingdom to come to set matters straight. By claiming that the organization is the foretold predator-free spiritual paradise the Watchtower has effectively convinced those under their rule that wicked men and imposters only exist outside the organization. Yet, in context Paul indicated that wicked men and imposters were a corrupting influence within. The apostle likened them to Jannes and Jambres who opposed Moses, and who also go on opposing the truth.
The truth is Christ has not come. The Kingdom stone has not been installed. The coming “flood” will effectively wash away the Watchtower’s 1914 sandcastle. But those with true faith will not panic. By faith they will make the transition from being under authority of elders and the Governing Body to the actual Kingdom of Christ.
Of course, presently Jehovah’s Witnesses have no inkling of these matters, just as they have no clue that all the things Christ foretold concerning the sign of his coming, such as war, famine and pestilence, are in the future. The mere suggestion that Jehovah would even allow such a massive deception is unthinkable. But that is why the prophecy goes on to describe God’s work as strange and unusual, saying: “For the bed is too short to stretch out on, and the woven sheet is too narrow to wrap up in. For Jehovah will rise up as at Mount Perazim; He will rouse himself as in the valley near Gibeon, that he may do his deed—his strange deed—and that he may carry out his work—his unusual work.”
Anticipating the reaction of those who hear of his intention to exterminate wicked and faithless men and destroy his earthly organization, the very next verse states: “Now do not scoff, so that your bonds may not be further tightened, for I have heard from the Sovereign Lord, Jehovah of armies, that an extermination has been determined for all the land.”
Jesus spoke of this very thing in his harvest illustration, where he said: “Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The Son of man will send his angels, and they will collect out from his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling and people who practice lawlessness, and they will pitch them into the fiery furnace.”
As another example of the many lies and falsehoods the Watchtower has wrapped itself in, the Governing Body promote the absurd idea that the harvest began in 1914 and the weeds represent the common churchgoers who were supposedly uprooted out of the Christ’s congregation —“his Kingdom” —and were somehow thrown into the fiery furnace and have been weeping and gnashing their teeth ever since. Obviously, the Watchtower cannot possibly hope to offer any sort of rational explanation. It is a “sheet too narrow to wrap up in.”
The symbolic flood will come in the form of global war, yes, a third world war —something the Watchtower has assured Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot happen. Even at this late date, with talk of nuclear war a daily news item, the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses are completely oblivious. It will take some strong measures to bring them around, as the prophecy states: “It will sweep you away; for it will pass through morning after morning, during the day and during the night. Only terror will make them understand what was heard.”
The destruction of “Jerusalem” will serve as much needed discipline. Although it may seem strange and highly unusual, it will accomplish God’s purpose. That is why the prophecy concludes with an illustration of basic agriculture and harvest processing, saying: “Does the plower keep plowing all day before he sows seed? Does he continually break up and harrow his ground? When he has smoothed out its surface, does he not then scatter black cumin and sow cumin, and does he not plant wheat, millet, and barley in their places and spelt around the edges? For He teaches him the right way; His God instructs him. For black cumin is not crushed with a threshing sledge, and a wagon wheel is not driven over cumin. Rather, black cumin is beaten out with a rod, and cumin with a staff. Does a person crush grain for bread? No, he does not thresh it incessantly; and when he drives the roller of his wagon over it with his horses, he does not crush it. This also comes from Jehovah of armies, whose counsel is wonderful and whose achievements are great.”