Monday, April 25

You should no longer go on walking just as the nations [do].Eph. 4:17.

If we make the right decisions, we can have a satisfying life now and put ourselves in line to “inherit the earth”—to have everlasting life. There are so many wonderful blessings in store for us that we cannot even imagine them all.  Granted, God does not give us things automatically. He requires something of us.  But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! What a great privilege it is to have received so much from God! We have accurate knowledge of his Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes. We enjoy the privilege of bearing his name and being his Witnesses. God promises us that he is on our side.  May all of us, whether young or old, show our appreciation by living our life in a way that manifests a keen desire to give Jehovah “the glory forever.”


What the Watchtower says is true. However, it is what is not said that is most revealing. Yes, the Psalms states that God is on our side, or to be more specific, on “my side”- singular. In context the Psalm states: “Jehovah is on my side as my helper; I will look in triumph on those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in Jehovah than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in Jehovah than to trust in princes.”

When we take into account that the Watchtower is an organization composed of humans and according to prophecy those who are sons of the King are princes, as is the Prince of princes, Christ, are we to conclude that it is also better to trust God than to trust the faithful and discreet slave and the anointed princes associated with the Watchtower? Surely, it is.

But Jehovah’s Witnesses may assume that trusting the Watchtower as our guide is how we take refuge in Jehovah. It is, after all, Jehovah’s earthly organization.

To put things in perspective, the nation of Israel was once Jehovah’s earthly organization. He certainly was on their side when he fought their many battles. However, he also became their enemy at times due to their unfaithfulness towards him. Still, that organization accomplished God’s purpose for it. Ultimately, it produced the Messiah and the Law served as a tutor leading the Jews to him. But, the Jews that continued to trust in the guidance of the orthodox religious organization when Jesus began his ministry would likely not have accepted Christ. And if they did they were sure to be persecuted by the Jewish establishment.

Could something similar happen in the Christian era? Yes. It is a certainty.

The coming of Christ will impose a test upon Jehovah’s Witnesses like nothing before. Those whose trust is in the Watchtower will find it difficult to comprehend how Jesus’ coming could even happen, since according to the Watchtower his parousia has been ongoing since 1914.

The day’s text claims that Jehovah’s Witnesses have a clear understanding of the truth and of God’s purpose. But is that true?

Consider the 43rd chapter of Isaiah, which is where Jehovah’s Witnesses derive their distinctive name. The concluding verses reveal God’s purpose to bring about his judgments on those whom he calls upon to be his witnesses: Isaiah 43:24-28 states: “Instead, you have burdened me with your sins and made me weary with your errors. I, I am the One who is blotting out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins. Remind me; let us bring our case against each other; tell your side of it to prove you are in the right. Your first forefather sinned, and your own spokesmen have rebelled against me. So I will profane the princes of the holy place, and I will give Jacob over to destruction and subject Israel to insulting words.”

Naturally the Watchtower is very vague in their application of this portion of Isaiah. But in their Isaiah commentary it is implied that it applies to the Bible Students of yesteryear. Although not explicitly stated, the implication is that the Watchtower’s spokesman lied, which at the time was no one else but C.T. Russell.

But if God’s judgments were carried out then shouldn’t we expect that the end result would be that those who now speak and teach in the name of Jehovah would be nothing but truthful? And if God blotted out the sins of his people and their spokesmen 100 years ago, where does that leave this generation, none of whom were even alive in 1919? Foremost, is it reasonable that Jehovah would enter into judgment with the people who bear his name before they ever became inseparably associated with the name of God, as was the case in 1931?

Think about it. And think about what the implications of a future fulfillment. Because that is most assuredly what we are now facing. 


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