Stumper Question for Jehovah’s Witnesses, #21
If the Holy Spirit is God’s impersonal active force, why does he directly speak and refer to himself as “I” and “me” in Acts 13:2?
The question implies that the holy spirit is never spoken of as an impersonal, active force. And that simply is not true. The vast majority of places where the word “spirit” is used it is portrayed as simply a force, God’s power. The Hebrew word for spirit literally means wind. In speaking to the Jewish Pharisee, Nicodemus, about the phenomenon known as being born again, Jesus likened the action of the anointing spirit to the wind, saying: “The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who has been born from the spirit.”
Jesus used God’s spirit to expel the demons. In so doing he once referred to the spirit as God’s finger. If the holy spirit were an actual person why would Jesus refer to it as God’s finger?
Many places in Scripture the holy spirit is referred to as “God’s spirit” – the apostrophe “s” denoting ownership, meaning that the spirit belongs to God. For example John the Baptizer personally witnessed God’s spirit coming down from heaven in the form of a dove. Other references are made to God’s Spirit dwelling in man.
So, a more honest and straightforward way to phrase the question would be something along the lines of, since the holy spirit is most often spoken of as an impersonal force that emanates from God, why does the Bible occasionally refer to it as a person? And the answer, of course, is quite simple. Because the spirit belongs to God and he uses it to accomplish his work it is occasionally personified. This is not an unusual form of grammatical expression. For instance, in the eighth chapter of the book of Proverbs God’s wisdom is personified, speaking from the perspective the first person God created. Paul personified death as an enemy and sin is said to rule as a king. These are examples of personification.
Trinitarians are required to believe that God is made up of three different persons, each of which is God, but the sum total of the triad equals a single God. The absurdity of this doctrine is on full display in the case of the central feature of the entire Bible and that is the anointing of Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ is God and the holy spirit is God, why would Jesus be anointed with holy spirit? Put another way, why would God anoint himself with himself? This is a stumper question for trinitarians for which they have no answer. Their religion requires that they embrace the most absurd and nonsensical stupidity as the very truth of God!
Here is a link to a Watchtower article on the topic What is the Holy Spirit?
First question considers the question of who/what is the holy spirit?