Tuesday, September 15
He died for all so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up.
Because of their love for God and their gratitude for the inestimable privilege of serving him, the early Christians gladly accepted “the ministry of the reconciliation.” Their work of preaching and making disciples opened the way for honesthearted individuals to come to be at peace with God, enjoy his friendship, and eventually become his spiritual children. Today, anointed servants of Jehovah perform the same ministry. What they accomplish as ambassadors for God and Christ makes it possible for rightly disposed people to be drawn by Jehovah and become believers. Out of appreciation for Jehovah as the Grand Provider, all Christians who have an earthly hope share with the anointed in the Kingdom-preaching work.
The expression “rightly disposed for everlasting life” is found in the 13th chapter of Acts. It may seem odd, but most people are not “rightly disposed for everlasting life.”
Jehovah’s Witnesses, more than anyone else, encounter this phenomenon regularly when they try to engage people with the hope presented in the Bible of everlasting life in paradise on earth. It simply does not appeal to most people. No doubt the majority simply do not believe it is possible. Others imagine that it would be boring to live forever.
Yet the masses of churchgoers readily accept the concept of heaven, even though most haven’t the faintest idea what it is, where it is, or what they might do there. But for those who are not rightly disposed for everlasting life the familiarity of earth and all the beautiful things associated with it and a world without evil, does not appeal to them. It really does require an honest heart.
What a treasure and a privilege Jehovah’s Witnesses have in knowing the truth and believing God and being the generation that will come out of the great tribulation and inherit the new world of God’s promise.