Question #50: Why does Jehovah share his glory with Jesus (eg. John 17:5 & Revelation 5:12-13), but scripture is clear that Jehovah does not share his glory with anyone (eg. Isaiah 42:8 & Isaiah 48:11)?

The answer to the question is profound. Jehovah shares his glory with Jesus as an expression of his appreciation. Moreover, the underlying theme of scripture is that the Messiah came to vindicate his Father at great personal cost and he was duly rewarded for his sacrifice. Satan had taunted Jehovah that no one would obey him if they were made to suffer or die. Jesus, as the Firstborn of all of God’s creation, left his privileged place in heaven and submitted himself to a most unusual transformation when God reduced his essence into a DNA encoded male sperm and implanted him in an egg in the womb of a virgin Jewess.

This miracle was necessary to produce a perfect man, one who was a blood relative of mankind (not a separate, direct creation, which would have violated Jehovah’s self-imposed sabbath), but one who was not infected with inherited sin. As a perfect man, the “last Adam,” as Paul referred to him, Jesus was in position to not only vindicate God, but to also provide a corresponding value to the life that Adam originally possessed. As Paul said of Christ, “he learned obedience from the things he suffered.” In fact, Paul further noted that while in the flesh Jesus submitted himself to God’s will all the way to death.

Because the son unswervingly obeyed the Father, Jehovah exalted him above all others. This is the very foundation of Christianity. Anyone who denies that Jesus came in the flesh –meaning he was a man, not a god-man, is an antichrist. 

As regards Isaiah 42:8, this is a clear case of the questioner tweaking the question to omit the word “else.” Apparently, the intent is to hoodwink someone into believing that Jehovah did not glorify Jesus, which contradicts the very scripture the questioner cites in John. True, other translations do not used the implied “else” —merely saying that ‘I will not give my glory to anyone,’ but “anyone else” is certainly what is implied.

The importance of “else” is critical in understanding the passage. The dictionary definition of the simple, ordinary word, indicates it belongs in the verse. states the following definition: Else – “Other than the persons or things mentioned or implied.”

 Jehovah’s Witnesses who may be confronted with a question concerning Isaiah 42:8 should merely read the context, in so doing it ought to become immediately clear —at least to any honest-hearted searcher —that the “anyone else” pertains to Jesus. If the text were paraphrased it might say: ‘And I will not give my glory to anyone other than this one, my servant.’

The 42nd chapter of Isaiah completely destroys the trinitarians’ narrative. Apparently, though, they are too unenlightened to grasp it and instead trot out Isaiah 42:8 as one of their “proof texts.” But, again, surely any honest-reasoning person can see the truth by merely considering the verses in context that reveal that God certainly implies that he will give his glory to a particular individual, but to no one else other than him. Here is what Jehovah has said:

“Look! My servant, whom I support! My chosen one, whom I have approved! I have put my spirit in him; He will bring justice to the nations. He will not cry out or raise his voice, and he will not make his voice heard in the street. No crushed reed will he break, and no smoldering wick will he extinguish. In faithfulness he will bring justice.  He will not grow dim or be crushed until he establishes justice in the earth; and the islands keep waiting for his law. This is what the true God, Jehovah, says, the Creator of the heavens and the Grand One who stretched them out, the One who spread out the earth and its produce, the One who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk on it: I, Jehovah, have called you in righteousness; I have taken hold of your hand. I will safeguard you and give you as a covenant for the people and as a light of the nations, for you to open the blind eyes, to bring the prisoner out of the dungeon and those sitting in darkness out of the prison.”

Anyone who denies that the “servant” described in Isaiah is none other than Christ is either completely unacquainted with the Bible, which is forgivable and readily remedied, or they are a perverse hater of truth. In any case, even those with the most elemental knowledge of scripture know that Jesus is the covenant-bearer in behalf of Jehovah and as a servant of God he is tasked with bringing justice and salvation to this strife-worn earth. As stated in Isaiah concerning God’s glorious servant becoming a light of the nations, Jesus said of himself: “I am the light of the world.”

It is then the very next verse which states: “I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, nor my praise to graven images.”

Is it not apparent that it is implied that Jehovah does in fact give his glory and praise to his “servant,” but to no one else? It most certainly is.

So, Jehovah’s Witnesses need not shy away from answering this type of question. On the contrary, put the burden of proof on the trinitarian. Ask them to explain how, if Jesus is God, why does God refer to himself as his own servant? And why would God give himself his own glory? Let them add some clarity as to how and why God takes himself by the hand and leads himself in the way of righteousness.

Of course, the trinitarian has no problem accepting such absurdities, as contradictions and ludicrousness are the core of their “faith.” They will embrace sheer asininity with all the reverence they can muster —whatever it takes —just as long as they do not have to admit that Jehovah’s Witnesses are right.

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