
Monthly programs entertain questions from listeners regarding basic Bible questions, focusing on specific issues concerning the Watchtower organization and the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you have questions you can email them or leave a voicemail. (Feed from latest programs on jw-radio) e-Watchman podcasts are also available on i-Tunes.

Episode #75

Questions regarding the seven empires and the eighth king. Will the great crowd really come out of the great tribulation? What is the meaning of the various time periods in Daniel, 2,300, 1290, 1335 days etc? Also, are Jehovah's Witnesses the only ones who will be saved?  (Click here to view as vodcast on YouTube)

2019-10-06T09:40:46-04:00March 13th, 2017|Categories: Podcasts|

Episode #74

This episode considers listener’s questions, is the “organization” a legitimate, scriptural arrangement? Why did angels develop sexual passion for women? Could the Watchtower’s NGO status in Russia be the reason they are coming under ban now? And more. Plus a special musical bonus track!

2019-09-21T13:31:58-04:00December 23rd, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Episode #73

Question 1: Were/Are the 144,000 Virgins? Question 2: Who were those in “prison” who Jesus preached to during the three days of his death? What about the Gap Theory and dinosaurs? What about the 2013 New World Translation? What is the difference between everlasting life and immortality? And more!  GOT QUESTIONS? Send your question by submitting [...]

2019-11-14T13:42:34-05:00September 4th, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Episode #72

If Jesus is not my mediator, how are my sins forgiven? -   Why is Watchtower toning down Numbers 31:18?  Or is their version the only one that is correct? Is it possible that man could someday day manipulate human DNA in such a way as to achieve everlasting life? Are not the "other sheep" Gentile believers, or is there a dual meaning? Call-in questions on [...]

2019-11-14T13:39:49-05:00June 15th, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Episode #71

Questions for this episode: Did World War One have any biblical significance? I know I cannot preach the Watchtower's message as before, so where are Jehovah's Witnesses who love the truth supposed to go now? What if the mark of the beast is a microchip? And more! 

2019-11-14T13:30:30-05:00April 30th, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Podcast #70

(March 26, 2016) Questions considered on this program: Will the refuge crises in Europe bring about the fall of Christendom? Are the demons dying of old age? What is going on with the Trump phenomenon in America? And who are the princes whom Jesus will appoint in all the earth? GOT QUESTIONS? Do you have questions about issues regarding the Watchtower or challenges facing [...]

2019-11-14T13:28:40-05:00March 26th, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Podcast #69

(Feb 17, 2016) What about the sin of Gibeah? Are Jehovah's Witnesses the only ones who are going to be saved? Will persons who are killed in the war at Armageddon be resurrected? Do all anointed brothers have to die a Martyr's death? Are you sure that there will not be a big influx of people who recognize what is happening when the system goes down, and make [...]

2019-11-14T13:24:29-05:00February 17th, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Podcast #68

  (Jan. 31, 2016) This program entertains questions regarding Noah's Flood and how fresh water and salt water fish could have both survived the catastrophe. Also, how could the animals have migrated to various isolated islands? And, why does God allow the WT to stumble so many of Jehovah's Witnesses and interested persons? Also, could 1st and 2nd century Christians have had the so-called earthly [...]

2019-11-14T13:22:56-05:00January 31st, 2016|Categories: Podcasts|

Podcast #67

Last program of the year sets the pace for semi-monthly programs for the new year. This episode considers three questions related to the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus and the thrones each may occupy. And an unusual question from one of Jehovah's Witnesses asking me to reassure readers of my genuineness, in view of the fact that I am universally regarded as an apostate by [...]

2019-11-14T13:19:48-05:00December 30th, 2015|Categories: Podcasts|

Podcast #66

 This episode considers a varity of questions. What is the significance of the "justaposition" between resurrection of life and resurrection of judgment? Also, questions based upon August 15, 2015, Watchtower article entitled: Keep in Expectation. Paragraph seven states:  But how bad do you expect conditions to become before “the great tribulation”?  For example, do you expect that there [...]

2019-11-14T13:15:45-05:00December 19th, 2015|Categories: Podcasts|
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