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Jehovah’s Future Judgments and 666

2024-12-21T06:57:07-05:00March 2nd, 2024|WT Review|

This is part four of the review of the May 2024 Watchtower article entitled: What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments? When Jesus was among his disciples he often spoke about his being raised up upon a stake and killed. His disciples, even his chosen apostles could not understand Jehovah’s future judgments at that time. The reason they could not is because they had preconceived [...]

What Does 666 Mean?

2022-09-20T04:20:34-04:00November 16th, 2021|WT Review|

The website features an article entitled: What Does 666 Mean? The Watchtower’s milquetoast answer explains nothing and trivializes the significance of the mark of the beast. The brief article implies that the paragraph below is the Bible’s answer:  According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out [...]

Is Covid vaccination the 666 mark of the beast?

2021-12-11T14:06:02-05:00February 17th, 2021|Mailbag|

Question: Do you think that the Covid 19 vaccination jab has anything to do with receiving the mark of the beast? There is already talk in the media about a future vaccination passport, to prove you have had the jab, without which you will not be allowed to travel, attend sporting events or public houses etc.  This could easily develop into being barred from any [...]

Whatever happened to 666?

2019-09-20T13:14:23-04:00October 15th, 2017|Commentary|

Sunday, October 15 They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.—John 17:16. We should not be surprised if the world hates us for our neutral stand; Jesus warned us that it would. Most opposers do not appreciate the importance of the issues involved in Christian neutrality. For us, though, these are matters of utmost importance. Loyalty to Jehovah requires [...]

What is the 666 mark of the beast?

2024-06-04T06:15:01-04:00January 10th, 2015|Mailbag|

QUESTION: What is the mark of the beast and how can one avoid having such a mark? ANSWER: That is a good question. It is a question that Jehovah’s Witnesses should seriously reconsider. But to better appreciate the significance of the 666 mark of the beast the question ought to be rephrased to ask: What and when is the mark of the beast? Allow me to explain. [...]

Two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other abandoned

2024-11-22T11:47:56-05:00November 22nd, 2024|WT Review|

This is the final installment of the three-part series examining the Watchtower article entitled: Are You Heeding the Warnings? The illustration of the slaves and the money entrusted to them is pretty straightforward. Jesus entrusted his affairs to his slaves, and upon his return, an accounting will be held with all. Two slaves were industrious and increased what had been entrusted to them. However, one slave [...]

Divine intervention

2024-10-31T11:04:34-04:00October 31st, 2024|Page Two|

There have only been a relatively few times that God has intervened in human affairs on a grand scale. Those few interventions have dramatically changed the course of history. First and foremost (so far) was the great Flood. By means of a global deluge, God destroyed an ancient world. Almighty God forced the lustful angels to dissolve their flesh and return to the spirit realm where [...]

A Book of Remembrance Was Written Before Him

2024-09-04T09:25:02-04:00September 4th, 2024|Commentary|

Although I have posted my commentaries on the Watchtower's daily text on the forum for the past two and a half years, I decided to post this article here so it will be translated for non-English readers. Wednesday, September 4th  A book of remembrance was written before him for those fearing Jehovah.​—Mal. 3:16. For thousands of years, Jehovah has been writing a special book. This book [...]

Do Not Treat Prophecies with Contempt

2024-07-27T20:24:39-04:00July 27th, 2024|Bulletins|

KINGDOM BULLETIN #26 A recent article on asked, What does the Bible say about political violence? The brief article made reference to the attempted assassination of the Slovakian prime minister as well as Donald Trump. The snippet explains these events are related to Paul’s prophecy about how, in the last days, men will be dominated by evil characteristics---which, is to say that political violence just [...]

When is the hour of test coming upon the world?

2024-04-06T08:38:47-04:00April 5th, 2024|WT Review|

This is the last article in the series examining the May, 2024 Watchtower. I am still trying to mentally process the Watchtower’s most recent “new light.” As stated in the previous article in this series, it is doubtful that Jehovah’s Witnesses will perceive that the Governing Body has repudiated everything it has ever taught regarding the urgency of getting out of Babylon the Great before God’s [...]

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